Middle School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning -
Mr Tom Tahos
Congratulations to all members of the Middle School for your wonderful transition back to full-time face to face schooling. We are now approaching the last few weeks of the year and we need everyone to continue working together and ensuring that we maintain the high standards we have as part of the ‘Westall Way’.
We need to keep focusing on our attendance with school and with each class, this includes getting to class on time. Your attention also needs to be on completing class tasks and you must communicate with your teachers if there are any concerns. Finally, please make sure you are in full summer school uniform.
We would like to acknowledge and congratulate the recipients of the following scholarships:
Skyline Foundation Scholarship for 2022:
Joe BonnyJose
Kwong Lee Dow Scholarship Melbourne University 2023:
Raymond Dang
Fantastic effort!
Middle School Social
A wonderful evening has been planned by the Social Committee - food, drinks, photobooth and a DJ. That’s right - you will finally see the wonderful dance moves of the middle school staff, 😊 we look forward to as many students from Years 9 and 10 attending this wonderful final event for the middle years for 2021. No cost.
The week starting Monday 29th November is HEADSTART. This is where all students will receive their 2022 timetable and begin classes for 2022.
Have a wonderful and safe end of year break and see you all back in 2022. 😊
Mr Tom Tahos
Director of Learning: Middle School
Design Arts - Year 9/10
The students in Design Arts have been completing their Semester 2 folios. In their work, they have been experimenting with materials, techniques and art styles.
The work on display includes 3D design - ceramics, polymer clay masks, sculpture cast in plaster, Product Design - jewellery, crochet, lei making and timber construction.
The students develop an individual style through their studio practice, cohesive folio of art works and research into the work of traditional and contemporary art.
The art works are produced in series based on a concept, idea and/or theme. Aesthetic was key for these priceless designs!
Ms Helen Ifandis
Year 10 & Arts Coordinator