Messages from

Staff and Students

By Mrs Eli

Interviews with: 


Teachers:  Ms Ward - 3/4 Wendy Orr & Miss Salloum - 3/4 Steven Herrick

Students:  Ahmed S, Maryam A, Yara A & Mya E


Ms Ward

What is your least favourite thing to do while teaching from home?

I don't like sitting down and being on my laptop all day.


What is your favourite thing to do while teaching from home?

I love ringing the students and having the time to chat with them, helping them with their tasks and hearing about the learning they're enjoying.


What has been a challenge working from home?

The week is very busy; phoning students, zooms, approving dojo posts, making videos.  Sometimes I find it very overwhelming.


What are youmost looking forward to when lockdown is over?

I can't wait to be back in my classroom, seeing everyone and reading books to the class.


What is yourmessage to the students and staff at GEPS?

We're almost there!


Miss Salloum

What is your least favourite thing to do while teaching from home?

I am a very active person, so I dislike sitting on the laptop for too long.  I miss not being able to interact face to face with staff and students.


What is your favourite thing to do while teaching from home?

My favourite thing to do while teaching from home is being able to have a little extra sleep in and the flexibility to work from anywhere around my home.  Also I always look forward to the weekly Stage 2 zooms which gives me the chance to connect with the students.


What has been a challenge working from home?

Ignoring the distractions that are happening around me!


What are you most looking forward to when lockdown isover?

I am looking forward to catching up with my family and friends and returning to face to face learning in week 4!!!


What is yourmessage to the students and staff at GEPS?

I miss you all!  I can't wait to return and see you all.  Hang in there - Not long left until we all get to reunite :)


Ahmed S - 3/4 Wendy Orr

What is your least favourite thing to do while learning from home?



What is your favourite thing to do while learning from home?

Reading the comics in the school magazine.


What has been a challenge learning from home?

Finding it hard to concentrate at home with  my brother and sisters.


What are you most looking forward to when lockdown is over?

Playing with my friends and going back to the library.


What is yourmessage to the students and staff at GEPS?

There is not long to go until we see each other again!


Maryam A - 3/4 Wendy Orr

What is your least favourite thing to do while learning from home?

Not being with my class.


What is your favourite thing to do while learning from home?

My Mum teaching me from home.


What has been a challenge learning from home?

Learning fractions.


What are you most looking forward to when lockdown is over?

Going to school and seeing all of my friends.


What is your message to the students and staff at GEPS?

I miss you all very much!


Yara A - 3/4 Steven Herrick

What is your least favourite thing to do while learning from home?

There is too much in the learning packs and very complicated.


What is your favourite thing to do while learning from home?

I like writing.


What has been a challenge learning from home?

Attempting to get into zoom.


What are you most looking forward to when lockdown is over?

Playing with my friends, having lunch and recess and learning new stuff face to face.


What is your message to the students and staff at GEPS?

I miss all my friends and I can't wait to see you all face to face.


Mya E - 3/4 Steven Herrick

What is your least favourite thing to do while learning from home?

Not seeing my friends and teachers.


What is your favourite thing to do while learning from home?

Spending time with my Mother while learning from home.


What has been a challenge learning from home?

Wifi and getting on zoom.


What is your message to the students and staff at GEPS?

I can't wait to see you all and give you all a big hug!