A Word of Encouragement

What another full term, bouncing out and in, and out and into lockdowns and home-schooling. But you’ve made it through! And it’s time to rest and recuperate!


This week at the end of term assembly I reflected on rest, how it’s an important part of living full and productive lives. It is no accident that from the very beginning, God set up a rhythm to the week that included rest – he made it that way for our good! 


We tend to picture rest as idleness, as being unproductive.  But it is so much more than that! Rest is about enjoying the fruit of your labours, slowing down to take it in, to celebrate it, and to enjoy others, the creation, and the Maker. Rest is not laziness or mere idleness. It’s about restoration, reflection, and relaxation. It is given to us to be enjoyed, to reenergize and refresh us.


So, after such a topsy-turvy term, which has demanded so much of us all mentally and emotionally, I simply want to encourage you all today to rest well this break! Yes, there might still be things on your to-do list, but unapologetically carve out times when you can down-tools, let go and refuel. This rhythm of rest is so important – we’ve been made to need it and designed to thrive when we take it. So, happy resting!


Rev Karen Reid

School Chaplain