Students Challenge Teachers to Stand Up

In our PE ½ class led by Mr Furphy, Jess Ford, Chloe Fleming and myself made it our goal to get Girton Teachers active during a week of online learning. Our whole idea was to send out an encouraging email each day with the aim of them sending a photo of them completing the challenge. For example, on Monday, we asked them to create a makeshift Stand Up Desk, on Tuesday, there was the 10,000 step challenge, Wednesday, there was free exercise, Thursday, there was yoga and finally, Friday was Foodie Friday with the best lunch. All of the submissions went into a prize draw and will be drawn when we are all back at school. 


We were really happy with the number of responses from the teachers and it turns out the teachers were happy to have something to take their mind off online teaching which was one of our aims of the initiative. Our other aims included getting the teachers physically active and giving them some enjoyment. We also received some awesome photos of teachers in action which was another positive.  


Finally, thank you to all the teachers that participated and gave our challenges a go, or simply accepted the encouragement to do something different. Well Done!


Ben Greenall (11 Riley)

Jessica Ford (11 Riley)

Chloe Fleming (11 Jenkin)