a word from our leaders

A Message from David

JDRF Step Challenge

On Thursday next week (21st October) our school will be raising funds for JDRF - a charilty that funds research into a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. It will involve a 'Step Challenge' for staff and students, which will require them to walk or run laps of the oval. Each student will be asked to complete at least double their Stage level of laps:

Stage 1 = 2 laps

Stage 2 = 4 laps

Stage 3 = 6 laps

Stage 4 = 8 laps


A group of Stage 4 students have been the driver of the idea, and want to support one of our Stage 3 students (Julian) who has Type 1 Diabetes. Their idea came from wanting to show the school value of 'Love' to our community.


On the day, staff and students are encouraged to dress in active-wear (blue if possible!) and bring a donation for JDRF


Brett Humphrys

Director Senior Primary