Library News

Thankyou  to those who supported our Book Fair. We did very well and took over $1000. 


We are now enjoying the new books that students selected from the fair from our commission.

School Holidays

Don't forget to keep reading and visit our local library. Here is some information from the library complete with a downloadable program... join in, its free

  • School Holiday Programs are held each school holiday period. Each program is themed and your kids will love the range of free events on offer, which include craft, performers, digital workshops and much more.

For the September-October 2021 School Holidays, we present a full program related to space, as part of Word Space Week. Download the program here(PDF, 413.97 KB)

Sessions are very popular so don't forget to book. Keep updated by joining us on Facebook or Instagram @CityofPAELibraries.