Online Performing Arts Session

Online Performing Arts Session - Year 3/4 Howley/Dainton/Freeman
On Monday and Wednesday this week, the students in 3/4 Howley, Dainton and Freeman were all invited to attend an online Performing Arts session, hosted by the Australian School of Performing Arts.
Our tutors were Greta and Claire and they capably led our group of about 35 students, plus 4 teachers, over google meet platform, for 1 full hour of movement, singing and dancing!
The students were led through some vocal warmups before launching into learning a song, sung in the Swahili language! Next we moved into an activity exploring different genres of music, then finishing up with a dance routine to the song 'Celebrate the world.'
Throughout this session, the students were invited to lead our group, as well as share their ideas and responses. Greta and Claire very smoothly took turns in leading the group, maintaining full engagement and enjoyment by all our students.
We were very pleased to be able to offer this opportunity to our students, and the teachers were proud of how they participated and shared their energy! Lets hope we can make use of this resource many more times. Thank you ASPA!
"I enjoyed all the dancing"
"I really liked doing all the dancing activities"
"I enjoyed the game where we got to do ballet and other types of dancing."