Parents and Friends

The St. Brendan’s Parents and Friends invite all, to our next meeting which will be held on Tuesday, 9th November at 6.30pm.
The meeting will be streamed online for those who cannot attend in person.
Please RSVP by Friday 5th November to: confirming whether you will be attending in person or online.
Once numbers are confirmed, the location will be advised along with a copy of the agenda to those who have RSVP’d.
The main organisation objectives for this meeting will be;
1. Fill the role of President and Secretary for 2022
2. A plan to celebrate our departing Grade 6s
3. Organise a Social event for the school
If you have any questions, comments or feedback please send to:
Business Promotion
To help with planning future events, we are keen to hear from business owners in our school community.
If you would like to contact us with details of your business, please send them to:
We look forward to seeing you soon,
Belinda Riseley (President), Ronnyne Magill (Secretary) and Bianca Lane (Treasurer)