School Advisory Board

School Advisory Board
Many thanks to John Miksad (School Advisory Council Chair) and the Advisory Council for their time and participation to our school.
The School Advisory Council meets once a term and some of the roles include:
- Providing input into and support for strategic planning and directions
- Providing input and contributing advice in the processes of school improvement and school review.
These are some of the School Advisory Council activities this year:
- Adoption of the 'Grey Skort' option in the school uniform, giving our female students another option if preferred.
- Support for the school's move towards Laptops and Google Classroom, leading to increased engagement by children and positive feedback from parents. The Advisory Council reiterated that this improved the lockdown learning experience for most families and young people.
- Commencement of an additional 'Star of the Week Award' which focusses on different academic areas, and is awarded according to progress made in identified areas rather than overall ranking in the classroom.
- The Advisory Council was highly supportive of new wellbeing activities adopted by the school in the yard, including sports activities and arts.
- Ongoing discussions about how to improve parent engagement with the school, particularly during COVID times. Whilst the school and staffing group were not supportive of online or social media platforms to assist with this, discussion occurred around availability of staff through phone calls, appointment times, and face to face catch ups again in the near future, given the easing restrictions.
- Areas for ongoing discussion in 2022 include utilisation of specialist spaces in the school, mental health wellbeing post-COVID, and alternative parent engagement strategies.