A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
We welcomed back our 3/4 classes, Howley, Freeman and Dainton on Thursday and Friday. Students were pleased to be back with their friends and teachers.
Teachers have been focussing on wellbeing activities and lots of time outside working.
Unfortunately today, we did receive news that four classes needed to be in isolation due to some positive cases.
Many thanks to all parents who collected their children when we sent out SMSs, emails to the specific families and phone calls. All children were collected within two hours.
I thank all parents for their support and understanding.
Our classrooms will be having a high touch clean in these rooms. All other classes will continue to be at school on Monday. I will keep you updated.
Public Holiday
Tuesday, 2nd November is a Public Holiday for Melbourne Cup.
I hope you all take care, and please email me if you have any concerns on:
Take care,