Prayer & Acknowledgment

This Friday, October 29th is World Teachers Day. We hope our great staff, including support staff, Paula, Mrs Mills, Leadership and our wonderful administration staff, all have a terrific day.
I would like to acknowledge the great work of our staff here at St Brendan’s Primary School. Their work has been truly inspiring, particularly, when faced with such uncertainty due to the pandemic over the last two years. Their dedication to teach ‘remotely and face to face’ when possible, has certainly brought the mission of our catholic education to life. It is a great privilege to work with such committed colleagues.
~ Let Your Light continue to Shine and God Bless ~
Mrs Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader)
Keep In Your Prayers and Thoughts…
All our Priests, seminarians and deacons.
Friends or family who have passed away this year.
Our friends and family who are unwell at the moment.
All our families and students, in the midst of the ongoing pandemic and isolation time at home, keep them safe and healthy.
Our teachers as they guide our children during this pandemic.
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
Matthew 21:22
Welcome to Country
This is my land. My land is alive.
It calls you and it calls me.
Our people have been living here since the first sunrise.
I sing a song to her and she sings a song to me.
My spirit born of this country,
I am Yorta Yorta.
We pay our respects to the elders past and present and welcome you to our woka.
Below Video
Tahnarlie Briggs and Lilah Weston stand proudly sharing their WELCOME TO COUNTRY.