Grade 1
We have started the term focusing on our reading comprehension. We have introduced the term ‘Visualising’, students practised this skill by reading passages without pictures, so they had to use the description in the text to make a picture in their head. Additionally, we have revisited the comprehension strategy of ‘Predicting’. Students practised this skill by predicting what texts may be about, using the title and the front cover picture, as well as stopping while reading using the clues in the text to guess what might happen next.
The students thoroughly enjoyed the hands-on activities, and have shown a huge growth in these strategies, even using them in their writing sessions.
This fortnight, students have begun a new writing genre focussing on descriptive writing. Students have learned all about using adjectives and adverbs to add detail to their descriptions. Students have spent time describing characters in picture story books, scenery, places in our school and even monsters! They were able to use their ‘5 senses’ as well as ‘show don’t tell’ to write their descriptions to create a detailed picture in the reader’s mind.
In Handwriting, the students have been focussing on the correct letter formation of the letters Jj and Mm. We use our Handwriting books to follow the directions of the letter and write multiple sentences that use these letters Jj and Mm.
Students have revised the term ‘Duration’, specifically focusing on days of the week as well as months of the year. They were also introduced to new language used to describe how long an event takes to complete. Students have started learning to compare objects, specifically in Length and Mass. They have been introduced to language and terms used to compare such as “Longer/Shorter”, “Heavier/Lighter” and “Near/Far”. We were able to further explore this by using our very own paper aeroplanes!
Students have moved onto History after spending Term 1 and 2 on Geography units. Our focus will be on exploring changes between the past and the present. We started our new unit by participating in a gallery walk with photos of artefacts including telephones, cameras, cassettes and typewriters used in the past. Students spent time sharing what they thought each item was used for.
In Wellbeing, students have explored different strengths including being patient, kind and curious. They worked in small groups to develop a role play to demonstrate a strength and how they can use it to be a good friend or family member.