Assistant Principal News

Assistant Principal Lora Segrave

Welcome back to Term 3. We look forward to another exciting Semester full of opportunities for our students.


Year 12 have just completed their final week of  classes before they commence their Trial Examination period. Students should be engaging in a range of study, revision and examination practice as well as reaching out to their teachers and mentors for support and guidance if required. 


While the Trials are a vital time, academically, it is just as important that students take care of their own well being. Students should still spend time with their families, undertake exercise and have some downtime to relax and participate in their hobbies. 


Year 12 we wish you the best of luck.


Year 10 students also have some vital times ahead, with the opportunity over the coming weeks and months to demonstrate the maturity, responsibility and respect that comes with being a Senior Student at Marian Catholic College, ready for 2024. Students attended their Yr 11 information evening last night and have now commenced their subject selection journey.

To assist with this process, a survey has been sent to all Yr 10 students. This survey is designed to provide the College with data regarding student intentions for 2024. This allows us to individualise our approach to supporting students who intend on continuing their senior study at MCC. It also allows us to assist students who wish to pursue an alternate pathway and provide the support and guidance that they require.  We are extremely proud of the diverse learning pathways that we offer our students at MCC and look forward to discussing this further with the Year 10 cohort and their parents/carers in early August.



Finally, last week we acknowledged some outstanding achievements by our students. Our Athletics age champions and those involved in our MCC Club Cabaret were celebrated in front of their peers for their dedication and success. We also announced the Semester 1 results for our Marian Cup, which is based on the number of Merits received by students with each house. A whopping 2,585 merits were handed out last Semester with McAuley house  currently in the lead. 



Yours in Learning,

Lora Segrave 

Assistant Principal