From the School Council

From the President  |  Parents and Friends Association | 2023 Council

Hi everyone


Subject selection is about to commence for our awesome students in years 9 to 11. Speaking as a parent who has been there, done that, and got the badge - this is an important time to engage with your young person and ask them to think about what they want to be ‘when they grow up’, their dreams and goals. We all know it can be a bit tricky to juggle the right subjects that will set our kids up for success, while also considering their interests and future study options. School staff are ready to share their insights to help you explore the different subject options and the opportunities they bring. And let's not forget the most important people in this decision-making process—our kids! By involving them, we empower them to take charge of their education and create their path to success. Parents, trust your instincts, follow their passions, and encourage them to pursue subjects that light up their curiosity and enthusiasm. Remember, this is just one stepping stone on their journey to success. The path may twist and turn, but that's what makes it interesting! 


There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes already for our new building, the Junior School Learning Centre. A masterplan is being developed and a dedicated page has been set up on the college website for updates. A letterbox drop to residents of Bernard Street and neighbouring streets adjacent to the college advising of the development took place recently. The school will keep the community up to date with work schedules once they are finalised and any other important information as it comes to hand.  


Regarding recent media coverage. My strong belief is that our Chelt.Sec community is predominantly friendly and supportive. While we may not always see eye to eye on certain matters, we maintain a respectful and positive environment, understanding that we all share a common goal: the wellbeing and success of our children. As parents, we can take pride in being part of a school community that embraces and celebrates inclusion and diversity. Unfortunately, when the media become involved, it often brings out the more extreme elements. In light of recent coverage, I would like to extend my appreciation to our dedicated school staff. They have been at the forefront, navigating through challenging situations with grace and professionalism. If you feel so inclined, taking a moment to express your gratitude to teachers and administrative staff for their hard work can make a world of difference.


Regarding school uniforms. 2024 policies are being drafted jointly by the school and school council, with a particularly close examination of the transition policy, given the strength of opinion and comments from the parent community. We hope that plans will be finalised and shared shortly.


Thank you for your ongoing support for our remarkable Chelt.Sec community.


Warm regards


Susannah Bowen-Wheatley


Parents and Friends Association

We continue to seek interested parents and friends to join the Cheltenham Secondary College Parents and Friends Association (PFA).  We are not looking for you to single-handedly run all sorts of complex meetings or events. We simply want the PFA to have a large group of individuals willing to help at any fundraising or school events.  We want it to be a fun group of people rather than a burden and grind for those involved. 


If you are interested in being added to our mailing list, please complete the PFA Expression of Interest survey.  To find out more contact Sharon:

*If you have already completed the EOI, thank you.  We have your details and will be in touch soon.

About Chelt.Sec School Council

Every government school has a council. Council’s role is governance and oversight. Council assists to develop and monitor strategic priorities, plans, policies and budgets, working with school staff leadership. School Council members are drawn from students, parents, Department of Education staff and the community. 


2023 School Council

Susannah Bowen-Wheatley: President

Rory Hall: Vice President

Bridget Geers: Treasurer

Parent members: Ester Yefet, Andrew Hall

Student members: Campbell Hall, Hassan El-Manea

DET members: Karl Russell, Brooke Matthews, Emily Nicholls, Peter Allen


To find out more or get involved in School Council, contact Susannah (President):


Join the family community on Facebook for swapping information, textbook, etc: