
Year 9 - Static Electricity  |  Year 10 - Life Science  |  Year 12 - Physics

Year 9 - Static Electricity

Year 9 Students began their journey into the wonders of electricity, starting with investigations into static electricity. Students first used friction to charge different materials and observe the interactions between them. They soon moved on to using a Van de Graaf generator to charge themselves.


Year 10 - Life Science

Year 10 students studying Life Science delved into life history on Earth as part of their evolutions unit. They have had a go at making mould and cast fossils, which closely mirror the processes that museums use to replicate bones and shells for public display. 



Year 12 - Physics

Physics students in action, doing their extended investigations. 

  • Jonatan is testing the penetration of projectiles launched from a crossbow, depending on the shape of their head. 
  • Sienna is exploring the efficiency of a tennis racquet by measuring the rebound of a ball striking it at different speeds. 
  • Alex and Andre are measuring how the viscosity of a liquid varies with temperature.
  • Sam and Bryce are examining how electricity is conducted through flames of different temperatures. 
  • Logan and Tyson are seeking to explain the image produced when a laser is fired through a drop of water. 
  • Sylvia and Natalie are measuring how the range of a tipcat changes as the length of the catapult arm changes.