From Principal 

A message for students and parents/guardians  |  Attendance  |  Vaping  | Building update

Welcome back to Term 3, I would like to start by congratulating all our students on their academic progress during Semester 1.  The students have often listened to me talk about their learning and their progress, but, it is important to focus on the individual and not compare their progress with others. Improving our performance in one or all subjects should be celebrated. 


You will have received Semester 1 reports at the end of last term, I encourage students to take the time to discuss them with their parents or guardians. Engaging in open conversations about your academic progress can be incredibly valuable. Not only does it provide an opportunity to celebrate your achievements, but it also allows you to address any areas that may need improvement. Remember, your parents are here to support you on your educational journey.


As you reflect on your Semester 1 performance, it is an ideal moment to set personal goals for Semester 2. Setting clear and achievable objectives will help you stay focused and motivated. Consider what you want to accomplish, particularly for our Year 12 and 11 students in their Unit 4 subjects, and break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps. By doing this, you will be able to track your progress and make steady improvements.


Additionally, do not hesitate to seek guidance from your teachers. They are here to help you succeed and can offer valuable insights and advice on how to improve your studies. Take advantage of any available resources, such as study groups or tutoring sessions, to enhance your understanding. 


Remember that Semester 2 is a chance to build upon your strengths and overcome any challenges you may have encountered. Embrace the learning process, stay committed to your goals, and approach each day with a positive attitude. 


Believe in yourself and your abilities. You have the potential to reach new heights, and your parents, teachers, and peers are here to support you every step of the way. 


I wish all our students a rewarding and successful Semester 2. 



At the end of Term 2, attendance and lateness increased significantly. We would like to remind parents and guardians about the importance of student attendance and arriving at school on time for period 1. Attending school consistently and punctually sets the foundation for your young person's academic success and overall wellbeing.


Regular attendance ensures that students can fully participate in classroom discussions, collaborative activities, and hands-on learning experiences. It allows them to stay up-to-date with the curriculum and build on their knowledge each day. Additionally, being present fosters a sense of belonging, enabling students to form meaningful connections with their peers and teachers.


Arriving on time for period 1 is equally crucial. It enables students to start the day with a positive and focused mindset. Lateness leads to missed opportunities and unnecessary disruptions in the classroom. 



Vaping continues to be a significant challenge for all schools at the moment. The number of students purchasing vapes has become increasingly concerning. It is essential for parents to be aware of the dangers associated with vaping. E-cigarette aerosols contain harmful chemicals, including nicotine, which can adversely affect adolescent brain development. Vaping has been linked to lung damage, respiratory issues, and an increased risk of heart problems. Moreover, the enticing flavours and discreet designs of vaping devices can make them appealing to teenagers, potentially leading to addiction. 


I am encouraging all parents to be vigilant and discuss this serious issue with their children. To assist with these discussions, in the Term 2, Issue 3 of The Cheltonian, our Director of Wellbeing provided a list of resources and a video link from a recent Monash Health Understanding Vaping webinar that parents might find useful in supporting their young person with the facts about vaping.  


Building update

The first stage of the planning process has begun, we will shortly begin the selection of an architect to work with the college and the community in developing in the masterplan for the site.


Lastly, I would like to thank Brooke Matthews for her leadership of the college while I was on leave at the end of last term. 


Karl Russell
