Principal's Address

Boorowa Central School continues to grow


It is my great pleasure to announce that Boorowa Central School has now grown to the point that we can establish a 6th mainstream class in Primary. This is a fantastic outcome for the school and an indicator that our school is fast becoming the school of choice in the network.


I have published an Expression of Interest for this position for Semester 2 of 2023 and hope to employ a highly dedicated and passionate educator. This position will be a filled in a temporary capacity and may become a permanent position in 2024, pending enrolments.


The introduction of this additional class means that all classes will be adjusted, and some students will change rooms and teachers. Decisions regarding classes will be based on a variety of factors and ultimately in the students’ best interests. These class lists will be finalised before the end of the term and those students who require support for any changes will be well prepared.


All classes K-6 will then settle around 22-23 total students with the capacity to grow further still.

Exciting times ahead.

Semester One Reports


Semester 1 reports will be available for students and their parents in Week 10. As I mentioned in my previous address, K-6 reports will be sent home with students in hard copy form as previously done. However, accessing Secondary reports will be solely achieved through the Compass Parent Portal. Instructions regarding downloading and accessing this app were sent home this week with all students.


I encourage all parents and carers to read their child’s report, with their child, so that successes can be celebrated together, and feedback absorbed and adopted. All teachers provide an accurate summary of academic progress as well as a snapshot of your child’s learning behaviours. Additionally, strategies to improve performance are highlighted for consideration. Please support your child in their educational journey by working in partnership with the school and maintaining equally high expectations of effort and application in every subject.


As always, I read every student report, looking for those students who have demonstrated high levels of effort and application in all subject areas. I then like to recognise those students with a letter or certificate from the Principal. This effort and application should be recognised as it is directly associated with individual excellence, something our school strives for.


Parking and safety


It is a continuing issue – parking on Pudman Street at drop-off and pick-up. Without support from the Hilltops Council to change the parking adjacent to the school on Pudman Street, our best way forward is to work together to keep our children safe. Staff are parking in different locations or moving further up the street to ensure more parking is available for parents and carers.


Parents and carers, I appeal to you to make the safest decisions during these times. Double parking is a safety risk. Performing a U-turn is a safety risk. Crossing the street anywhere but the crossing is a safety risk. I know these options seem the better option when we are busy, but they are putting our children at risk. To assist us, I have contacted the local police and asked them to be a presence during these times to ensure that we can all keep our children safe.


Mr Graham Jones - Principal