Year Adviser News

Year 12 


It has been an incredibly busy school term for the class of 2023 as they busily approach the business end of their final school year. Students have been eagerly working on both assessment tasks and major projects and the feedback that I have been getting from classroom teachers has been positive. 


As we move into Term 3, students will be sitting their Trial HSC Examinations. Parents and carers are reminded that whilst students should be doing at least several hours of independent study and revision at home each night, they should also be ensuring that they take regular breaks, spend time away from devices and are getting an appropriate amount of sleep each night. These good habits will put students in the best position to achieve success in their Higher School Certificate and beyond.


As the end of the school year approaches, students are also reminded to ensure that they maintain the highest standards of behaviour. The development of the class of 2023 into the fine young adults that they are is something that I am particularly proud of and it is my hope that they continue to shine as an example to rest of the school for the remainder of their time at Evans.


As we near the end of the students' time at Evans, I am looking forward to seeing what they can do in their final term. As well as celebrating their achievements at their school formal and graduation ceremonies. It is an exciting time ahead and I couldn't be happier to share this with them.


Rhys Murphy (Year 12 Year Adviser)