
RAP Program


This term, the inaugural RAP (Respect, Achievement & Pride) student program began in week 4 and students involved had five sessions helping them develop their teamwork, resilience, communication, leadership skills, and further life skills to prepare them for their future.  


Below is a brief description of what each session focused on: 


Session 1 – Introduction to the RAP program, what each week focuses on and respecting their peers. 

Session 2 – The importance of respecting themselves by looking neat and tidy and dressing with pride by learning how to tie a tie and how to iron. 

Session 3 – Hygiene, the importance of looking after yourself and staying healthy. 

Session 4 – How to change a car’s flat tyre and achieving this through teamwork, leadership and communication skills. 

Session 5 – The importance of cooking a simple meal and students cooked a baked cheesy pasta with white sauce. 


As demonstrated, students learnt many valuable skills and enjoyed each session as shown by the photos but, it is safe to say that the overall winner was the cooking session (session 5) which the students liked the most. 


A big thank you also goes out to Mr Elhaf, Ms Rainey, Nathan Waters (BACC), Ms Rani, Ms Boustani, Mr Sondaar and Ms Bilgin for helping with activities and conducting sessions throughout the term as without them, these sessions would not have been possible. 


Mr D. Kumar