Principal Report

Welcome to our Term 2, 2023 newsletter with many thanks to our new editor, Deputy Principal, Jasmin Jones. She has done a fabulous job to bring to you a great snapshot of our school that celebrates the talents and passions of our students and the exceptional work of the staff.


The term commenced with a visit from 16 of our Principal colleagues from New Zealand. They were greeted with a Smoking Ceremony and totem dances from our First Nation Dance group led by Captain, Cody Bernhardt and Jemma Forrester under the guidance of Jie Pittman. After spending the morning looking at our innovative programs, we farewelled them with a big performance from our junior Haka Warriors. A number of the Principals have since contacted us and expressed an interest to return to our school with some of their staff to examine the programs in more detail. They all said that their cultural immersion and the leadership of our students was the most memorable part of their study tour. Following on from his performance on the day, Cody was asked by the Department of Education to co-host the NAIDOC Week opening ceremony which he did with much applause and a follow-up lunch in the Boardroom with the Elders and Deputy Secretary of Education!

Across the term, our students have shone both in the school and across the wider community. Congratulations to our athletes who competed at zone and state level; the chess team which has played schools across the Hills District and the Liven Deadly Team who led over 2000 students in the 2023 NAIDOC Games at Emu Plains. We are so proud of all of them and acknowledge that they have been supported by an amazing group of teachers who have given up time after hours to provide them with such opportunities. Thank you to Mr Sondaar, Mr Sabir and Ms Silva.


Term 3 marks the beginning of the end of HSC studies for both Year 12 and our first HSC1 cohort. Together they will sit their external exams at the beginning of Term 4. Until then, students have major projects due; completion of coursework; in-depth study for their Evans HSC exams and finals; and a tutorial program supporting individual subjects up to their HSC exam dates. We know that there is a direct correlation between very good attendance and good results. Please encourage your young people to keep their attendance above 95% to allow them the best possible opportunity for success.


Schools undertake a cyclic External Evaluation (EV) and it is our turn in August. This process involves us evaluating our school plan and an experienced team of Principals to have deep conversations on our school’s directions and successes. We have established a diverse team to prepare the evidence and present our vision. Following this process, we will start the process of commencing a new School Improvement Plan (SIP) due for publishing in early 2024.


With the change of government, there has been a new focus and vision for education in NSW. The Deputy Premier and Education Minister, Prue Carr along with Education Secretary, Murat Dizdar will be launching the new draft Education Plan for Public Education on Staff Development Day. We will spend time unpacking the document and providing our response to what resonates, what does not fit and what is missing. There is a fresh and energised approach to education with focuses on equity, teaching and learning, early learning, well-being, pathways and people. These have very much been the focus at Evans and this signals an exciting time in education and support for the growth of our young people.


We are excited to welcome Sarah Collins as our Community Engagement Officer. Sarah will be reaching out to you as we re-establish our parents and community group - Friends of Evans, which collapsed over the pandemic period. We would welcome your input into the future of our school. Keep an eye out for an invitation to join the group.


Welcome to Term 3!


Nerina Pretlove
