Wellbeing News
Miss Samantha Isaacson
Wellbeing News
Miss Samantha Isaacson
Thank you to our wonderful Semester 1 SRC member's for 2023 for all your hard work and contribution to our community. These students have attended meetings fortnightly and represented their classes ideas. The focus over the semester was what was working well and how to make our school even better. Next term, these students will meet together for one final celebration together. Classes will also vote for their new Semester 2 SRC members, who will work with Mrs Allan.
On Monday we met for our last meeting. The Prep - 4 SRC members took some time to reflect on what they have enjoyed about being an SRC member. These are some of their responses:
This week students revised the SMASH expectations that were focused on this term.
In Term 3 students will commence with Acting Responsible in the classroom by using help seeking strategies. This expectation links to the RRRR Topic that students explored last term.
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR)
In Term 3 all students across P-6 will focus on Topic 8 - Gender Based Relations. This teaches students to build and set boundaries in positive relationships between and within genders, and the importance of accepting difference and diversity. It plays an active role within the prevention of gender-based violence.
Activities will assist students to:
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the St.Michael’s community for their support over the last year whilst in my role as Wellbeing Leader. In Semester 2, Charlotte Allan will be returning to Wellbeing Leader so please contact her on callan@smashburton.catholic.edu.au. Of course, Charlotte and I will continue to work closely together to support our students, as I move into the Learning Diversity role. I hope that you all have a wonderful holidays and I look forward to seeing you next term!