From the Principal's Desk

Welcome Back

Welcome back everyone to Term 3! I hope you have all had the opportunity over the holiday period to spend some quality time as a family and you are all, re-energised for the term ahead.


While you were away it was a hive of activity here on site with general maintenance work and of course (the exciting bit) our playground re-surfacing project.

As you can see from the photos, access to and around buildings is very restricted so we are asking for your support to enhance safety, especially during drop-off and pick-up.


Last term we detailed arrangements for before and after school however we have reassessed access and have made some adjustments to enhance the safety of all -


Front of School Access (Geelong Road)

  • Access to and from the school at the front entrance will be via the usual pathway past the office. However,  in the afternoons, we ask that parents wait in and around the gathering space near the front office and teachers will bring your children to you.

Rear of School Access (Ormond Road)

  • Access to the school at the rear of the school will be through the Ormond Road gates and via the pathway behind the Year Prep Community. Parents are welcome to walk their children into their classrooms in the morning, however in the afternoon we ask that parents wait in the Ormond Road playground and teachers will bring the children to you.

Let's hope the sun continues to shine to keep works on track.



At the end of last term, we welcomed Mrs Laura Cosentino onto staff. Laura joins our Learning Support Officer team providing additional support to students and teachers. I know you too will make her feel a much valued part of our beautiful community.

Student Portfolios 

I hope you have all had the opportunity to explore with your child their Portfolio and celebrate your child's successes. We ask that the Portfolios are returned by the end of this week so that we can continue to compile samples of your child's work.

Recess and Lunch Changes

A reminder that this term we have adjusted our recess and lunch breaks to 2 x 45-minute breaks as follows-

1 x 45-minute Recess (11:00am-11:45am)

1 x 45-minute Lunch (1:15pm-2:00pm)


Learning blocks will not be affected as we still have a 2-hour block followed by 2 x 1.5-hour blocks so no timetable changes are required.


We hope that the shortened lunch break proves a successful preventative measure and provides for more harmonious play for our children.

Learning Expo

Our Learning Expo was a huge success last term and it was wonderful to see so many people enjoying each year level's STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) projects.


By the way...

Did you happen to see his little fellow 'continuing his quest for knowledge' in the newspaper over the holiday period?

God bless

Anthony Hyde
