English as an Additional Language (EAL)
June 2023
English as an Additional Language (EAL)
June 2023
You will have heard of EAL because Northern Bay has a large number of students for whom english is an additional language. We don't talk about about second language anymore because some of our students have more than one language in their life experience and when they come to Australia, english is just an additional one.
Provisions and resources are made to continue the support that was perhaps given in The Geelong English Language School (GELC), which operates at Northern Bay for children up to Year 8 and if they are older, they attend North Geelong SC. The children attend GELC until their language skills are good enough to make sure they have a positive experience in our main classrooms. It would be very disheartening if they were in a classroom and uncertain of anything that was being said around them.
Once they have completed GELC and return to their class on campus, they are supported by EAL teachers and of course our Multi Cultural Education Assistants (MEAs). We have a number of MEAs across a number of languages who work with our students and families to give clarity around their learning tasks and other activities.
EAL teachers take sessions to focus on their English improvement in comprehension, writing and reading. Lately we have used Recycling as a topic of focus.
What can we put in the recycling? How does composting work? Why should we bother anyway?........................
These have been our questions in EAL this term as we researched, planned and wrote explanation posters. Our major writing focus was on developing our paragraphing as we looked into the what, how, and why of recycling.
We are very proud to share some of the messages the children want to share with you. We only have four but there were many - many - more who wanted to share. The children are always very enthusiastic to show what they can do and have learned.
Here are some students to answer the important recycling questions!
Some of the students who have graduated from Junior GELC and will be starting full time at their campus
There are other GELC students who have been working with the Catholic Care Coordinator - Nestor - all term on a Friday night. These enthusiastic learners have been learning food service, hygiene and barista skills with the Norlane Community Kitchen Team and have now graduated. Their graduation involved cooking and serving their families and guests. What a great achievement and dedication. The team attend either NGSC or Northern Bay. Our Northern Bay crew were getting ready for the event.
AND FINALLY serving their creations.
Pictured above with his hand up and talking to Sebastian the trainer is Sina. It was his birthday today and to his great surprise his family brought a cake and the group sang Happy Birthday.
In his new country this is one birthday he will always remember.