Environment & Sustainability 

News from the Chicken Coop

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

A huge thank you to the Roberts, Dalton, Anilkumar, Coates and Mitchell families who took such wonderful care of St John’s chickens over the school holidays. We hope you got some eggs in return for feeding our new chickens and keeping their coop super clean. Thanks again!


Volunteers needed for All weekends during Term 3

Each weekend during the school term families volunteer to go on the chicken duty roster to look after our school chickens. Chicken Duty involves letting the chooks out of their coop in the mornings and putting them away in the evenings as well as checking that they have enough water and food each day. Duty families get to keep all the yummy eggs they collect over the weekend. An information sheet will be provided with all the details prior to your duty.

Please email Mel at mkerwin@sjmitcham.catholic.edu.au  with a couple of your preferred dates and we’ll pop you on the roster for one of those. First in, first choice of dates! 

Egg Lotto

We are starting to collect lots of eggs now so we will be raffling off a carton of eggs at our next assembly. More details are Coming Soon!

Wonder Recycling Rewards

The Wonder Recycling Rewards Program has been extended!

The collection period has been extended until 4th August so keep collecting your bread bags and bring them into school. 

There is a box in the office area to deposit your clean bread bags. Please do not put anything else in this box other than plastic bread bags. The more bags we collect the more credits we receive to redeem free sports equipment for our school.

Waste Wise

A reminder to all families that we are trying to reduce our waste at St John's. Please limit any packaging in lunchboxes as this will be sent home. Try using small containers that can be reused instead. Thanks for your support.


The Environment Team