Dear Parents/Carers,
This newsletter wraps up what has been a short, sharp and jam-packed Term Two.
It seems like a long time ago now, but it is just over 8 weeks since we moved into the new classroom spaces and so much has happened since then. In 43 school days we have crammed in the following…Moving in a setting up new classroom, Kaboom Sports activity day, Anzac Day ceremony and cookies, PSG Meetings, Prep Resilience Seminar, Mother’s Day celebrations, three lightning premierships, two kinder visits, three excursions, cross country, six playgroups, St Agnes’ Biggest Morning Tea, Prayers in PJs, Cybersafety night, two year level masses, two open days, countless school tours, the Dental Van, assessment, reporting, a grand opening, parent/teacher interviews, fun lunch and a social justice day. It’s not surprising that we have some tired children and teachers! A gentle reminder that Term Two finishes this Friday at 1.30pm.
I would like to thank everyone for the way in which you supported our Grand Opening last week. The buzz was palpable around the event and it was very special to have a very high percentage of our current community and also past St Agnes’ families sharing in the event. I have it on good authority that the Executive Director of MACS, Dr Edward Simons, was extremely impressed with our school!
Last night we finalised our Semester One Reporting phase with Parent/Teacher Interviews and from what teachers have relayed to me, there were some wonderful conversations between staff and parents. It is such a terrific buzz in the staff room while the teachers eat dinner, as they discuss the affirmations, shared from parents about the work that is happening in our school. I would like to thank our staff for their tireless work this term. The positivity and teamwork present in our staff group in 2023 is terrific. I would also like to thank our parent community for your involvement in the school throughout this term. There have been many opportunities for our parents to get involved and it has been terrific to have your input and presence.
A reminder for Year 4 parents that the 4L Parent Teachers are early next term - please use the following booking information: y5uaq.
Finally, I would like to thank everyone for your continued advocacy of our school. The month of June has never been busier with school tours and while not every tour turns into an enrolment, it is another clear sign that the reputation of our school is strengthening within the local area.
Shine the Light - Social Justice Day
Our school motto is Light in Darkness and back in 2020, our Year 6 students were asked to name our social justice day. The name they came up with was Shine a Light - Social Justice Day! This Friday, our students are welcome to dress in (warm) casual clothes for the day and bring a gold coin donation. The day will start with a presentation from our Year Six Social Justice Captains and then the children will move back to classrooms to complete activities to build empathy for those sleeping rough and homeless. At recess time, we are inviting all students to participate in the St Agnes’ Sit Out.This is an act of solidarity and helps the children to understand the plight of those without a home. This can be sponsored and all proceeds will go to St Vincent de Paul- please see attachment for sponsorship form below . We will finish with a Liturgy in the Church from 11.45am-12.15pm. Parents are welcome to attend this. Finally, a massive thanks to all families who have contributed non-perishable food items to the Winter Appeal.
Student Voice - Surveys about wellbeing, connection and learning
Over the past couple of weeks, we have been surveying the children about their wellbeing, connection with peers and teachers, and learning. We ask students to respond to statements like the ones below, using a 5-point scale - Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.
These surveys give us great insight into the feelings of our students and how they are travelling with their friendships, schoolwork and relationships. We work with classroom teachers on unpacking these surveys and the teachers also have conversations about the trends from their classes with the students. There were three main trends to come from these surveys:
- Our students are very happy at school - The students indicate they feel safe, enjoy school and learning in the classroom this year. The children understand that there are rules and expectations to meet in the classroom and playground, which is critical for productive learning environments.
- Teacher-student relationships in our school are very strong - Students indicate that they feel cared for by their teacher, they get feedback on their work and the teachers have high expectations in terms of learning and behaviour. They also know that there is teacher is there to support them and help them when they need it. With this strong connection, our students are flourishing.
- We have some ‘worriers’ - There is a larger than expected percentage of our students that are worrying about conflict with their peers and have indicated they find managing their worries difficult. This is something we are already actively addressing through Respectful Relationships, Circle Time and our daily mindfulness practices. Conflict is a very normal part of school life and every single student will experience it from time to time. As parents, you can support your child by encouraging them to focus on the present, not past or future events. My favourite question - What was the best part about your day? - is a good one to ask at the dinner table each night, as helps the children focus on the positives of their day.
Pre-Prep Playgroup Dates for Term Three
After a very successful introduction in Term Two, our Pre Prep Playgroup returns in Term Three. Below are the scheduled dates:
- Monday 24 July
- Wednesday 2 August
- Monday 7 August
- Wednesday 16 August
- Monday 21 August
- Wednesday 30 August
We look forward to engaging in some more structured activities with the kinder kids next term and connecting with Year 4 students as well. Thanks to Jess Cox for your work in this space.
Save the date - Parents and Friends Social Night - Friday 11th August
After a very successful revival last year, the St Agnes’ P&F is excited to announce that there will be another evening of fun and laughter for our parent community on Friday 11th August. The details are still being finalised, but please put a placeholder in your calendar for this event and get a babysitter locked in! It promises to be a terrific night!
Raising Kids in a Digital World - Parent Resources for St Agnes’
Last week, we hosted Marty and Carly from Inform and Empower, to provide parents with the opportunity to learn more about digital safety for children. Although attendance was limited, those who were present found it very informative and engaging. Below are the resources provided by Inform and Empower. The Toolkit and blog posts are available for the entire year. Video content is available for 30 days and will need the password to access: june2023.
As a school, we believe it is vital that we support parents and provide access to information/tools needed to navigate the challenges presented with online access. We will continue to engage in this space moving forward and encourage all families to take up the opportunity.
Clothes racks
For our upcoming production of Madagascar Jr., we are seeking to borrow some clothes racks for our costume preparations. We are hoping to borrow at least 6. If anyone would like to donate or let us borrow any racks that you may have lying around at home, please feel free to contact me. We would need them for the beginning of Term 3 and they will be returned to you by the end of Term 3. Thank you.
- Anna Gugliucciello - Performing Arts Teacher
Important Dates for Term Three
Term Three Commences - Monday 10th July
School Closure Day - Monday 14th August
School Production - Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th September
Have a great holiday and we’ll see you all on Monday 10th July!
Kind regards,