Parents and Friends News

Dear families,


Welcome to Term 3, we hope everyone enjoyed the holidays!


This term we have teamed up with the North End Bakehouse to run a Pie Drive. Ask your friends, family and neighbours if they would like any tasty bakery items, including the award winning Vanilla Slice.  See the below flyer for full details. Orders are to be made via CDF Pay.


We look forward to seeing members of our school community at the P&F Meeting on Wednesday 26 July from 2.30pm-3.15pm.  We are starting the plan celebration for Father’s Day in September, along with the Father’s Day Stall. We welcome ideas for these events so please make contact if you have any!


World Grandparents Day Celebration 

 Friday, 21 July 2023

It is with apologies that the Grandparents Day Celebration will not go ahead on Friday, 21st July.  This event will be postponed to a future date. 


Tomorrow’s assembly will have a focus on Pope Francis’ ‘World Grandparents and the Elderly Day’ which is celebrated on Sunday, 23rd July 2023.


The P&F look forward to bringing other community building events like Father’s Day Celebration, Parents Social Night and Family Social Activities to our school community.


If you have any queries or suggestions please reach out to the P&F at





Parents and Friends Calendar of events 

Term 3


  • Pie Drive with North End Bakehouse - August 2023
  • Father’s Day Stall - August 2023
  • Father’s Day Celebration - September 2023
  • TBC - Family Social Activity
  • TBC - Parents Social Night Dinner

*These events will be discussed at next weeks P&F Meeting



Review of events and fundraisers

Pizza Party - Wednesday, 21st June 2023


We had a great night at the Pizza Party at Casablanca Restaurant.


The party was enjoyed by 50 kids and plus parents, partaking in a social night with pizza and party games!


We hope to do more events like this in the future.


Current events and fundraisers

Pie Drive with North End Bakehouse 

July/August 2023



St Brendan’s Primary School and North End Bakehouse Shepparton, have teamed up to help raise funds to support P&F social activities and provide additional resources for students.


This is a great chance to stock your freezers with some delicious bakery products. Perfect for quick weekend lunches or simple weekday dinners. All products will be freshly baked and suitable to go straight into your freezer if you wish.


To increase your order, please encourage work colleagues, family, friends and neighbours to order. 


Products available for purchase include:

  • Family Beef Pie
  • Family Chicken Pie
  • Family Potato Pie
  • Family Apple Pie
  • Beef Lunch Pie 4 pack
  • Pastie 4 pack
  • Garlic & Mush. Lunch Pies 4 pack
  • Curry Lunch Pies 4 pack
  • Chicken Lunch Pies 4 pack
  • Sausage Roll 4 pack
  • Mixed Cakes & Slices 6 pack (1x Hedgehog, 1x Lemon, 1x Caramel, 1x Peppermint, 1x Mud cake, 1x Pink Lamington)
  • Vanilla Slice 4 pack


Collate your order and place it via CDF Pay.  Orders are due by 4pm on Wednesday, 16th August 2023.


Orders will be distributed to students on Friday, 25th August 2023.


Please contact the P&F with any questions at




Ongoing Fundraisers

IGA Community Rewards

Please find the below attachments to view full details of the IGA Rewards Program



My Name Label


Committee Updates & Information

Contact details for P&F

President:   Vacant

Secretary:   Jacklyn Lamb

Committee Members:  Katie Mills, Pat Goyne, Keira Peatling






The next meeting date will be held on Wednesday, 26th July 2023 from 2.15pm-3.15pm. The more input from the school community the better outcomes.


At this meeting we will plan details for Term 3 fundraisers and activities including World Grandparents Day Celebration, Pie Drive with North End Bakehouse, Father’s Day Stall and Father’s Day Celebration



Feel free to contact us if you have any questions/ suggestions -


Register to be a volunteer

If you have a few hours to spare during the year and would like to get involved in the school community please register your interest to be involved as a parent helper through the P&F.


You can register your interest via email

*Volunteer requirements*


Volunteers must hold a current Working With Children’s Check.  These details must be supplied to the school office to also be held confidentially. WWCC’s are free for volunteers, you can apply through the Working With Children Check Victoria website.


Business interest

Do you own/run a business, or know of a business, that may be interested in being involved in supporting the school community through fundraisers, sponsorship, in-kind support or at events?


Please contact the P&F by email to register your interest. We are very interested in working with our school community and building connections