Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight

Junior Years

Mr Enright:

Jeremy Zang 

For fantastic reading each morning and remembering to change his take home reader. 

Ella Di Clemente

For fantastic reading in this week's assembly prayer. 

Miss Turk:

Lacey Grant

For excellent work with her mathematics this week.

Well done, Lacey!

Xander Casayuran 

For always being a kind and friendly student in our class.

Thank you, Xander!

Mrs Weber:

Mia Jarred for showing great enthusiasm and improvement in her reading. 

Fantastic work Mia! 

Naomi Prenzler for her terrific start to Term 3 and being focused during learning time. Great work Naomi!

Mr Morrison:

Ruby Elsley 

For making a great start to the term. 

Keep up the great work !

Riyan Jawandha

For implementing his half whole skills and evenly sharing objects. 

Great work Riyan !

Miss Finn:

Ruby Parker

For continuing to improve her handwriting and reading skills. 

Keep it up!

Nicholas Luvara-Collyer

For trying his hardest to write sentences and create stories. 

Well done Nick!

Mr Maskell:

Maling Guljok for supporting his peers and helping others around the classroom.

Ayva O’Donnell for working hard and completing writing tasks on time.

Mr Andronaco:

James Lamb for his efforts in reading during the holidays, 

and his fantastic work during his mathematics! 

Noah McManus for being a helpful peer and doing a great job with fractions. 

Miss Sidebottom:

Jack Pelly for demonstrating great knowledge in his numeracy and 

having a great start to term 3!

Sadie Kelly for her awesome numeracy work with fractions and helping others.


Middle Years

Mr O'Hara:

Ayak Riak for the fabulous way you stepped up and read so well without any practice during assembly prayer!  Well done, Ayak!

Olivia Caruana for your contribution and effort to class discussions during

 our Maths sessions. Well done, Olivia!

Mr Secchi:

Difna Nanayakkara for the fantastic way you read during our assembly prayer! 

Well done. Difna!

Jaxon Bradshaw for the effort and care you have put into your reading, writing and fractions work this week!  Well done, Jaxon!

Mr Renato:

Samarawit Morey for showing a good understanding of what equivalent fractions looks like using halving strategy  

Marlee Nicholson for completing a writing piece with sentences that included verbs, adjectives and nouns. Well Done Marlee!!  

Mrs Dainton:

Marli Doran for her excellent work in Reading and Writing. 

Well Done Marli !

Tom Miksad for his consistency of his solving of Maths problems and 

his skills in helping his classmates.

Well Done Tom !

Mr Howley:

Max Grinter for his love of sport and his detailed report about his trip to Robe.

Chevelle Skipper-O'Connor for her excellent story written as part of he her homework.

Senior Years

Mr Beks:

Rocco Morley

For making a great start to the term and showing consistent behaviour and improvements in all aspects of learning.  Keep up the great work!

Ilisha Silva

For being a shining light in the classroom, always portraying a positive attitude and treating others very kindly.

Mr Lindon:

Taylin McGee for making improvements to his overall attendance levels and

having a great start to term 3. 

Clara Radevski for having great resilience in the classroom towards her learning and for demonstrating random acts of kindness. 

Mr Iorianni:

~ Not supplied ~


Mr Thompson:

Calvin Casayuran 

For coming back to school with a positive attitude and work ethic.

Well done Calvin!

Cooper Garner for demonstrating creativity when 

presenting his information during Inquiry.

Well done Cooper! 

Miss Mangiameli:

Angel Atkinson for always coming to school with a smile on her face, and a positive energy. Angel has a contagious laugh that brightens our day. 

Well done Angel.

Froilan Tonaco for his excellent work ethic, his kindness and his respect towards everyone in our classroom community. 

Well done Froilan.