A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,

Welcome back to Term 3.  Children were very happy to greet their friends and teachers. They have all settled well back into School routine.


Tomorrow we farewell two of our teachers and our Canteen Manager.


Miss Amelia Mangiameli has worked at our school since 2019.  Amelia has worked in Foundation/1, Years 1/2 and now Years 5/6.

We thank Amelia for all her work at St. Brendan's and her children in her class will miss her.  We wish her all the best at Congupna Primary School.


Cal Thompson (Years 5/6) will be finishing tomorrow.  Cal has been with us since 2020. Cal has taught in the 5/6 area and then became our Senior Learning and Teaching Leader.  

We thank Cal for all his work and organisation as a Learning and Teaching Leader.  We wish him all the best at St. Anne's in a Welfare/PE Position.


Rhonda Georgys has been with us for 10 years.  She has changed our Canteen by introducing home cooked pasta, muffins, fruit cups, wraps etc.  She has provided lunch for our staff as well.  We thank Rhonda for all her work and wish her well in her new full time position in Home Economics at St. Anne's.  Good luck Rhonda.


We are arranging some new teachers to be in Years 5/6.  Next week we will have some replacement teachers and then will be able to let parents know what we are doing after next week.  We have been working extremely hard to find teachers, but there is a shortage of teachers in Victoria.


The Canteen will be closed for 2 weeks and then we will let parents know what will occur.  We are looking for a person who has a Food Handling Certificate and has worked in Hospitality.


Just a reminder for parents to please label all children's clothing.  When children get hot, jumpers are taken off and left outside in the yard.   Having jumpers named, enables us to return the jumper to the student quickly.  Thank you for your understanding.




Kind regards,


Paula Stevenson 
