Message from Principal Sally

Dodge Ball afternoon

Making Changes 

The transition that happens each year is a BIG DEAL. The change from kindergarten to Prep, from another school to a new school or moving to a higher year level, with a new teacher and a new learning space are all changes to be managed .

Understanding the culture of a school is crucial to the ease and success of this transition. As adults, we have experienced many key events and milestones of change as we travel through our journey of life and work too. With this knowledge we ask ourselves:

  • How do our young people make sense of all these changes?
  • How and with whom do they make friends?
  • How do we develop their resilience?

At NMPS we have a experienced team of staff who assist our students with this transition which is developed together with parents and the students. Our Wellbeing team, Zoe, Svet, Anna Marie and Nicky (who returns to us next term) are here to assist staff to assist the students. We understand our young people experience and work through this transition in different ways and we support them by helping to understanding and working with the values of NMPS built on our philosophy that :

  • All children can learn
  • Learning outcomes will be maximised when children feel safe, connected and engaged at school
  • Students are encouraged to be active and self-directed in their learning
  • Our school values are reflected in all we do

 We use our values (RISE) to guide our teaching and learning opportunities. We appreciate your support from home to help address  behaviours and build resilience, as we strive to create a child-centred relationship between school and home.

RISE Framework

School Council Election

Here is the timeline for 2019 School Council election process:


Notice of election and call for nominations - Monday 18th  February - NOW OPEN!

Closing date for nominations - Monday 25th  February

Date by which the list of candidates & nominators will be displayed - Wednesday 27th February

Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed - on or before Monday 4th March 

Close of ballot - Tuesday 12th March  at 4.00pm

Vote count - Tuesday 12th March

Declaration of poll - Wednesday 13th March

First council meeting to elect office bearers  &  and co-opt Community members (the principal will preside) - Thursday 28th March


Parent member

Term of office is from the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2019 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2021. Number of positions this year is four parents for two years and one for one year due to the resignation of one parent after a one year term.


From the art room Year 2
From the art room Year 2



DET employee member

Term of office is from the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2019  to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2021. Number of positions is 2.



Community Members

Co-opted by School Council

Term of office is from the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2019 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2021. Number of positions is 1.


If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in the school front office on the notice board.