Year Five Science

'Desert Survivors'

What have we been learning?

In this unit, we learnt about desert animals and plants and their amazing physical and behavioural adaptations. It has been a great unit learning amazing facts.  I never knew camels had 3 eyelids!

Archer 5D


Throughout Term Two all the Year Five students have been learning about how animals and plants survive in the desert. We have all been conducting experiments and researching an interesting animal from the deserts of Australia. We had to include information on the animal's habitat and structural and behavioural adaptations. 

Ky 5D

Jigsaw Art

The four grades were given a picture of animal that had been cut up into little sections. 5B had to work together to draw a peacock. The pattern of the peacock train was intricate, with beautiful sequins. Everyone thought it was hard to draw! We also learnt that the male peacock has bright colours to attract a mate.

Archer 5B


All of a sudden I arrived at school to see three big camels standing on our beautiful oval. News was spreading all over the school. Some people were screaming, others were standing in shock. Soon we were learning outrageous facts about the majestic camels. Next we were sitting on them! Shazza (the camel) and her friends were all excited to walk us around the oval as soon as we got on them!

Maxim 5T


One ordinary school morning I walked out onto the oval and found three strange animals. I was shocked there were three camels on the oval! Everyone was going crazy! One hour later, it was our turn and we got to ride the majestic camels, their breath stunk but they had a really cool hump! I learned they have a third eyelid so they can see with their eyes closed. They can also last a year without water!

Caleb S 5T


On Wednesday 8th of May the Year 5 students had a fabulous incursion. We had three camels on the oval that were ready to get ridden! Danielle and Andrew shared lots of information about these amazing animals! We even got a chance to ride them!  Camels are amazing animals that rarely need to drink water! Andrew also pointed out that camels have a see through eyelid and a nostril than can close and lips to help them sand storms!

Jaz 5P

Our Research Posters

During a few Science lessons, the Year 5 students completed a Desert Species Poster. The poster was about lots of desert animals and plants like the Greater Bilby, the Barking Spider, Spinifex Grass and many more. First we had to research things about our animal or plant. Then, we summarised the information in our books and copied it on the poster. The information we had to include was threats to the species, adaptations and their appearance. I did my my project on the Spinifex Hopping Mouse. I learnt that their very effective kidneys absorb every drop of water so they can survive days without drinking water. We had lots of fun and our posters look amazing!

Emma 5P


We were so lucky to be able to research the extraordinary Greater Bilby. We learned lots of different facts about them including their diet, their habitat and many more exciting facts and features. The Greater Bilby eats spiders and small bugs, they live in hot dry area and dig a burrow to keep cool.

Issy and Ella 5T