Junior School News

Photo Taya Rapoport Y8

Outstanding Student Performance

A big shout out to the following students who have been recognised by their teachers for their commitment to their learning and our College values during this challenging time. Keep up the fantastic work!


Keith Koptidis (7G)

George Blias (7E)

Eden Daniels (7D)

George Macarios (7F)

Will Woodford (7G)

Sean Kim (7F)

Shuly Peterson (7C)

Ethan Howells (8E)

Chris Alikakos (8B)

Well Done Superstars!
Well Done Superstars!

Laura Kelley (8E)

Lena Luu (8E)

Sofia Camacho Cardenas (8F)

Tara Chynoweth (8D)

Daniel Macrae (8A)





Taking Care of Yourself During Lockdown

Our lovely Cheltenham staff have shared the many ways they take care of themselves during lockdown.

Dr Knox
Mr Rice
Mr Cooper
Ms Allen
Ms East
Ms Kennedy
Ms Nicolls
Ms Palermo
Ms Hargreaves
Miss Wallace
Mr Collings
Dr Knox
Mr Rice
Mr Cooper
Ms Allen
Ms East
Ms Kennedy
Ms Nicolls
Ms Palermo
Ms Hargreaves
Miss Wallace
Mr Collings

 What are you doing to take care of yourself?


Our Junior School Google Classroom has been a great place for students in year 7 & 8 to showcase what they have been doing to look after themselves in lockdown