Take note

Breakfast fit for a king

Father's Day is just around the corner and to celebrate, the College is holding its annual Father's Day Breakfast on Wednesday 1 September. 


The barbies will be fired up and the coffee machine up-and-running, so please join us on the College Green from 7.45am to 8.30am and treat yourself to a hot breakfast and cuppa in the company of friends and family.  


Please note, barista coffee will be available for adults, with a separate Milo stand for children. For more details and to RSVP, visit the College website here


If you would like to volunteer your time at the event, please register your interest by emailing Kia Pelham, kpelham@smc.tas.edu.au


Thank you in advance for your participation! 

Connecting with families and the College

At a time of reduced contact at the College, and various ongoing work and other commitments, the opportunity to connect with one another can be rare. St Mary’s College is developing some plans, however, to help connect families with each other and the College and build a sense of community.


The initiative of connecting our families was originally named ‘Presentation Families’ to represent our values of hospitality, simplicity and compassion. It has been suggested, however, that the name may form associations with a church or bible study style gathering, creating a misconception among parents and carers that it is a church pastoral group. The aim is to form a parent social club of sorts, with the key focus to provide a way for our families to socialise and connect with each other and the College.


We welcome a name change which can be discussed at the upcoming gathering. If you have a suggestion in the meantime, please email communications@smc.tas.edu.au.


You are invited to attend our next get-together on Wednesday 25 August at 5.30pm, where we can enjoy some light refreshments and speak about ideas to connect as a community and plans to use the current accrued funding. 


New faces are very welcome to attend the gathering, which will take place in the College Boardroom. Microsoft Teams access will be provided for those who would like to join remotely. Please register your attendance here


More ideas to connect families with each other and the College can be found in an email sent to parents and carers today.

Sustainability Fair 

The St Mary's College Footprint Project team has hit the ground running in preparation for our 2021 Sustainability Fair


Join us on Wednesday 15 September from 3.30pm-5.30pm to learn about how we're working to support a healthy and vibrant community.    


Event highlights will include sustainability-themed workshops, activities and displays featuring low to zero-waste food and products—all with a focus on reducing our footprint and inspiring change at the 'grassroots' level. 

Dust off your thinking caps—it's trivia time! 

The St Mary's College Youth Conference is thrilled to invite you to its upcoming Vinnies Quiz Night, to be held on Friday 10 September.


Round up a table or two of Vinnies members, students, family and friends for an action-packed evening of socialising, while testing your knowledge and hearing about the fantastic work that Vinnies is doing for vulnerable Tasmanians. 


Tickets are $10 per person, with all money raised going directly to supporting the St Vincent de Paul Society. 


In the spirit of Loui's Van, delicious cups of soup and bread will be available for purchase on the night, along with brain-boosting snacks and drinks. 


There will also be prizes awarded for the top tables, lucky door prizes, mini games and a silent auction to add to the entertainment. 


The event will run from 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Tickets are available here. Thanks for your support of this event! 

Grandparents' Day cancelled 

Due to the ongoing situation with COVID-19, we regret to inform families that we've decided to cancel our upcoming Grandparents and Special Friends' Day, which was due to take place on Wednesday 8 September. 


This has been a difficult decision for us as our grandparents and special friends are at the heart of our College community, however we feel it is the most responsible action to take in order to protect our most vulnerable population. 


We thank you for understanding and support, and hope to see this much-loved event back on the school calendar in 2022. 

Commonwealth school data collection notice 

Each year, St Mary's College provides certain information about our school, our staff and our student body as part of the Commonwealth School Data Collection. 


To learn more about school data collections and reporting, including what information is collected and how the data collection is conducted, download the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment notice here