Campus Stories

Lapathon 2021: A huge success!

On Friday, the 16th of July, the Year 6 class hosted the annual Cornerstone Lapathon. The funds raised by our amazing students in primary will be sent to Bambang, in the Philippines, to help the children who are suffering or in need. This fundraising event links with our class theme, ‘The World’, focusing on how we can make a difference in this world and ‘Declare His Glory Among the Nations’.

This year, we created the slogan: Walk, Run, To Bless Bambang! We also learnt firsthand about life in the Philippines including what they eat, the culture and their education, from Mr. Bernabe, who was born there.

The Year 6s worked extremely hard behind the scenes to create several timetables, bring in supplies, create presentations, bake cupcakes, paint posters and much more! And we were fully prepared for the day!

When the Lapathon day finally arrived, the Year 6 class worked diligently to keep the flag going around the oval all day, in spite of a few showers and very tired legs. In the end, we raised the fantastic total of $7 294!

The Year 6 class would like to thank all the parents who helped throughout the day, the students who participated, and most importantly, Mr. B and Mrs. A, for making this event happen. A huge thank you to everyone who donated – you helped make a difference. We also want to thank the Year 6 class for putting in endless time and effort!

Written by: Indiana Fearnley and Hayley Braam,  Year 6 students.

Interschool Cross Country

Last Thursday we had the Interschool cross-country in Bunbury. Our students did a fantastic job running the bush track and representing our school. Overall, we had 43 students participate, give their all and it was great to see them urging each other on. We had 3 students finish in the top 10 and many in the top 30 of their age bracket. Some stand-out performances to recognise include: Floyd Pasco (Year 4) who came 1st, Ezra Swannel (Year 5) came 6th, Josh Meyburgh (Year 5) came 8th, and Sharly Fearnley (Year 4) came 11th.  It was a great day and we were proud of all our students. Thanks, parents, for coming along, supporting the team and making some noise!

City of Busselton Student Forum

Students from our Service & Leadership Council recently had a unique opportunity to visit the City of Busselton Council chambers for a Secondary student forum. Six of the City's Councillors, including Mayor Grant Henley, met with representatives from the five local Secondary schools to talk about the role of the Council and to outline some of the development projects that are underway affecting young people in our community. The Councillors also wanted to hear feedback and questions from a student's perspective, so they can better respond to the needs of young people.

Our students were great ambassadors for Cornerstone and they came away with a broader appreciation for our City's governance. We are thankful that our students can be a part of such a wonderful community.

Dunsborough tree planting

The Dunsborough students had a wonderful morning planting some amazing new trees and shrubs on our beautiful school site. A huge thank you to Nicole Lincoln from Geocatch and sponsor Busselton Toyota who donated nearly 400 plants including Marri, Banksias and eye catching Kangaroo Paws. Toyota also gave our children hats and gloves to wear while we were planting. All our students from Kindy to Year 6 joined in and were able to extend on the area we planted 2 years ago. Those plants have done really well with about a 90% success rate!

Thank you, everyone! 

Busy bee

A huge thank you to everyone who came to the Busy Bee last Saturday! We really appreciate your contribution to making our school an even more enjoyable place to learn. With your hard work we were able to clean out the chicken run ready for concreting, paint its door, make nesting boxes, burn the old hay (and toast marshmallows!), recycle sawdust into our garden beds and cover library books ready to be borrowed.

The kids have a wonderful time helping and playing. An amazing sandcastle was built by Emily, Hannah and Millyana while the boys practised their engineering skills with sand and water


Thank you: Campbell, Giovas, Gidley, Adson and Bartley families, David Mullender and David Bernabe. 

Tennis coaching

Currently in sport, the whole Primary are taking part in a 4-week tennis coaching program with South-West Tennis. Callum is the coach from the Busselton Tennis Club and the students are really engaged, having fun, laughing lots and building their skill levels. If you are interested in coaching outside of school, please see the information in the Community tab. Tennis South West offer a discounted price for anyone wanting to join them this term.

(Tennis South West, Busselton Tennis Centre, 3 Carey Street, Busselton. 0400486640)


Graphic Designers

Check out this sneak peek at some of the work our Year 7 students are doing in their Graphic Design class. Creating some very interesting characters!