Leadership Report
Welcome to the fabulous new-look Magill School Newsletter!
Moving to a digital format will make it easier for parents and caregivers to view the newsletter on their devices. It also allows us to include videos as well as pictures, to better showcase the wonderful learning happening at Magill School.
It's a work in progress, so we'll tweak it over time to make sure it's meeting the needs of our community. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let us know via the school email address which can be found in the 'School Contacts' section of this newsletter.
The ability to include videos in our newsletter will allow our students an exciting new way to demonstrate the wonderful learning that occurs at Magill School. I'm pleased to include our new Acknowledgement to Country that our indigenous students produced as our first video.
The midway point of the year is a good time to stop and reflect on the year so far. It's been a great year and the wonderful students, staff and community continue to amaze and inspire me. Everyone has worked so hard but we've had so much fun along the way.
Magill School has been a place of learning, fun and excitement despite the continuing uncertainty that surrounds us with COVID-19. It's important that we continue to keep Magill a safe place for our students and staff so I encourage parents and caregivers to continue to abide by current and future restrictions.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holidays and look forward to what will be a fantastic second half of the year.
John Iannunzio