Assistant Principal's Report

Welcome back

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new Year 7 students, their families and other students who are new to the school this year. For those who are returning from last year, welcome back and we hope that you have another successful year at the college. As Ms Barker has mentioned in her report we are focusing on the school values that were launched late last year and all students were informed of this year at their assemblies. It is an exciting time at the College as we move forward into many new projects including our School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework and continuing Respectful Relationships program.



School Engagement & Wellbeing Leaders

Just a reminder that the two sub-schools are led by:

  • Junior School Engagement & Wellbeing Leader (Years 7 – 9) : Sharyn Campbell
  • Senior School Engagement & Wellbeing Leader (Years 10 – 12):  Paul Meager

Both of these people have a fantastic team working with them as Assistant Co-ordinators

  • Junior Assistant Coordinators:  Shane Maloney and Kathleen Fogarty


  • Senior Assistant Coordinators:  Gus McLean & Jackie McDonald

These teams and I will be working closely with the students and their families to ensure that we have a safe, respectful and supportive environment, and to ensure that all students try to achieve their best in all of their endeavours.



This year we are expecting all students and their families to continue using Compass regularly as this is now one of the main communication tools between the school and the families. Students also have school planners that they can use to log homework and other school tasks. Teachers at Greensborough College have made a commitment to putting Learning Tasks on their subject page so that students and parents can access these tasks and see what work is required to be submitted and when and we will continue with that this year.


Parents can also approve their child’s attendance/lateness through Compass. The College will also accept a phone call or a written note in these situations as well. The College policy is ‘if a student is late to school without a note on three occasions the student will receive a Principal Detention’. By notifying the College this will ensure that the student does not receive a consequence for something out of their control.


Uniform and General Appearance

All staff have a strong focus on uniform and the appearance of our students. A neat and well maintained uniform, as well as a well-groomed appearance, are important aspects of the College public profile which often reflects community expectations and standards.


Whole school Assembly

Our first whole school assembly on Tuesday 12th February was run by the school’s student leadership group who brought together a very well run assembly.  We had the school captains addressing the students on the school goals and values and how all students could earn house points for showing courage at school. It was a positive assembly. As Ms Barker has mentioned our school Dux of 2018 came and spoke to all the students and staff and what an inspirational speech, well done Jamie. Ms Barker has included the speech in the newsletter.


Mr Glenn Jenner

Acting Assistant Principal