Parents and Friends Association (PFA)

2nd Hand Uniform Shop


Opening Hours

The uniform shop hours are not set.  If you are looking to purchase 2nd hand uniform, keep your eye out for a notice on Compass or call Margaret on 0418 146 166 to arrange a convenient time.


Shop will be open: 

Thursday, 21st February 3:00pm – 4:00pm

Selling uniform If you wish to sell or donate your second hand uniform it must be handed in during opening hours to a volunteer in the second hand uniform shop.  It can then be assessed and quality and items confirmed and agreed upon at the time.

The office will no longer be accepting uniform for the 2nd hand uniform shop.


Bunnings BBQ – Saturday, 23rd March


The PFA are organising a BBQ at Eltham Bunnings.  We are looking for people to help out on the day.  If you can spare an hour or two, please contact Margaret McNicol on 0418 146 166.


Parent’s and Friend’s Association (PFA)

Annual General Meeting 

Tuesday, 12th March, 4:30pm – 5:30pm

APAC Building (Nepean Street)

The PFA is always looking for new members, and it is a great way to get to know what is going on around the school, make new friends and help improve the school for the benefit of the students and their families.  The time commitment is small, 2 one hour meetings a term.

Everyone is welcome.  To vote or hold a position you are required to be a financial member of the PFA. Current financial membership fee is $1.00 for the year and may be paid at the beginning of any meeting.


Margaret McNicol 

PFA President