comment on camp

Grace McCulloch
Grace McCulloch

Grace McCulloch

Year 7 Coordinator

Year 7 Camp is a major opportunity for staff and students to spend quality recreational time together, and watching this fabulous cohort embrace the camp  experience was inspiring! We all played hard and had so much fun. We also made a lot of memories and had many laughs along the way!


As Year 7 Coordinator I find camp time especially important: it gives me the chance to spend quality time getting to know students - away from the classroom, tests, assignments and homework. These students are great company - and I discovered many hidden individual traits, talents, skills and passions among them all!


Staff and students alike threw themselves into the varied social and physical activities - challenging fears, encouraging each other and tackling unfamiliar tasks - all the while building good relationships and strategies around the important school values of persistence, teamwork and respect. 


It seemed that no matter where you looked there were smiles and laughter. Students chose to go with a positive attitude in all the activities and situations - even those in which they were not confident or that were unexpected. Best of all, they also chose to support  and champion each other's strengths throughout the journey.  They can all be congratulated at the way they approached camp- showing maturity, flexibility, courage and kindness.


We sent these Year 7 students to camp with high expectations - and there is no doubt that they exceeded them!

Emily Doyle
Emily Doyle


Emily Doyle

Head of Learning - Media

This camp was a great opportunity to spend time with the many new students that I have not yet met or taught. The activities were exciting - and I even got to go on the giant swing!  Aaaaargh!


Louis Tribe
Louis Tribe

Louis Tribe

Year 7

Camp was very well organised. We had a good mix of official camp activities and freedom to do our own thing - like hanging out in the cabin, playing table tennis or playing gaga ball. Canoeing and raft building were fun - I liked them a lot more than I thought I would! There was a lot of chaos at meal times because we were all so hungry!


Christina Sirgiannis
Christina Sirgiannis

Christina Sirgiannis

Year 7

Camp was so much fun and the YMCA staff were really nice to us. I got to pretend to be Katniss Everdeen (from The Hunger Games) when we were doing archery and I went second on the giant swing! Even though you got butterflies on the way up on the swing,  when you drop it's so worth it. The food was also quite nice, which you don't always expect at a school camp!

Lachie McQuire
Lachie McQuire

Lachie McQuire

Year 7

Camp activities were super fun! I definitely met new people and learned more about my friends than I'd previously known. The camp staff were friendly too. The teachers even organised a Trivia Night and Movie Night, which I enjoyed.

Jhanm Omerogullari
Jhanm Omerogullari

Jhanm Omerogullari

Year 7

I really loved camp because I got to experience new things and push my limits. There are many activities that help students overcome fears such as a fear of heights. This was a great opportunity for us to be supportive and also form new friendships.


Mark Haebich
Mark Haebich

Mark Haebich

Teacher - HPE

Camp provided an illustration of how well the students are settling in to life at BSC and also gave students the chance to cement some important friendships. It was great to see students really focus on their resilience skills: there were lots and lots of examples of students tackling challenges.  Where they didn't succeed the first time, they would go back for another go,  with all the support of their peers.  Camp is a really fantastic way to finish Term 1 and I was pleased to take part in the fun.