School Clubs

Magic Club

As the year comes to a close we here at Magic Club would like to celebrate the many successes achieved this year. These include but are not restricted to:

- For the first time ever, being able to run a tournament in our club

- Running a total of three tournaments of different formats which taught students how to deck build and play in many different styles

- Student attendance being consistent whilst improving student relations with each other and with staff

- Increased communication with the local community and receiving donations from some card shops

- Implementing award ceremonies where prizes are given to students who demonstrate our school values of Respect, Responsibility, Achievement, and Growth in the club


Looking to 2019, here are some of the new goals that we hope to achieve:

- Organizing with other schools and card stores the running of interschool competitions

- The electing of a club president and committee to collaborate with staff when planning for events

- Running events which allow the club and game itself to be more accessible to newcomers such as Open House events