Student News

Year 6 Netball!

Friday 17th May was a big day for N.P.S. students in Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. There was excitement, joy and even nervousness for our big games playing against St Joseph’s.

Our game was… not the best. But in the fourth quarter we nailed it! We successfully used bounce-passes and managed to move the ball efficiently to our end and score some goals.

The biggest highlight for our game was our team brainstorming with our coach, Mrs Hope, at the end of the third quarter. Overall, the team showed great resilience and we finished on a positive note.

The scores were 24-4, St Joseph’s way.

Report written by Sapphire Brown

NPS Smashers Netball Report

Imagine a whistle blowing and people cheering. On 17th May we, NPS Smashers, played St. Joseph’s Numurkah in our first netball game of the year. We all had a good time, and everyone was trying their hardest. As Captain, I tried to put everyone in places that they felt comfortable. I found that Bridget was a gun at Centre and Goal Shooter, also a big thank you to Katelyn for filling in since it was her first game.


In the first quarter, Breanna Inglis-Goodliffe shot two goals and Lily Patrick-Oudeman shot one. We were all happy about that as netball is tiring and I know that everyone was pushing themselves really hard.  In the second quarter, St Joseph’s got a few more goals, but that didn't stop us. In the fourth quarter, Bridget Brown and Tessa Warrin worked really well in the ring and got five goals.


In the end we all put 100% into the game and we all had a good time. The final score was Smashers 15 and St. Josephs 17. We didn’t really mind what the scores were because we all know that this was our first game and there is lots of time for us to get better. At the end of the day, we were all so proud of ourselves.  


Written by Breanna Inglis-Goodliffe (Captain)  

NPS Shooting Stars Netball Report  

On Friday 17th May the Year 5/6 teams walked to St. Joseph’s to play netball in the first game of Winter Sports. The Year 4/5 team, called the ‘Shooting Stars’, stayed and played at our school. We were all lucky as it was sunny weather.

Best on court were Marli Salter, Savina D’Agostino, Monique Greco, Ella Parkinson and Jacinta Holmes. However, everyone played well and we all tried our best and had fun. St. Joseph’s team were all really tall and fast. Special mentions: Savina D’Agostino for her great intercepting in defence and bounce passes and Marli Salter for making space all game.

Monique Greco scored our two goals in the first quarter, which was a great effort. We are looking forward to our next game. The score was 2-21 St Joseph’s way.

Report written by Skye Young (Captain)

Softball Report

On Friday 17th the Lightning Legends played softball against St Joseph’s Primary School.


Now imagine… two serious teams and a whole lot of runs. That is what happened during this extraordinary game.


The NPS team had some hard times but with sneaking, good batting, accurate pitching and effective catching, we were able to pull off a win! The team members were all thrilled after we heard the scores of 9 to 6 our way.


Congratulations to all the following players who made valuable contributions throughout this game: Bobby Hall, Chase Dixon, Noah Greco, Declan Crisp, Ryley Lau, Hunter Kubeil, Will Srisoi, Patrick Carlisle, Tommi Wallace, Blake Lawson, Teddy Smith and Daniel Callander.


Report written by Chase Dixon (Co-Captain)

May 17th NPS Diamond Demons Softball Report

The grass was lush and the bases were laid down. Two teams, St Joseph’s and the NPS Diamond Demons, battled it out in the most fearsome game ever… SOFTBALL!


Both teams played to the best of their ability, St Joseph’s players supported each other really well. The Diamond Demons did their usual best. The game was well played and everyone had lots of fun. Spectators were entertained by Connor’s comedic actions as he efficiently managed the position of catcher.


There were two very good highlights of the game. In the first, Jake Salter smashed an excellent hit out of the school grounds and made a home run; and in the second, Connor Philpott took a foul catch, nosedived into the ground and found the ball landed in his mitt. Don’t worry, Connor was wearing a face mask, no noses were broken in the course of events.


In the end the scores were 13 – 6 our way. Diamond Demons won by a crushing 7 home runs!


All the following players also made valuable contributions during the game: Ryan Vikstom, Tyler Cook, Lloyd Jetten, Joshua Moody, Baelan Saxton, Holden Gunn, Marshall Duncan and Jazmaine Broad.


Report written by Connor Philpott (Co Captain)

Numurkah PS vs St Joseph’s Football Report

On Friday 17th May, NPS students started the 2019 Winter Sports season off by playing their first game of footy against St Joseph’s.


The first quarter was a great effort by both teams. Numurkah Primary led by a couple of goals. Everyone was puffed by the end of the first quarter.


In the third quarter, all players were working very hard, trying their best to get the ball forward. Tyson Hill, Jackson Jenner, Jay Moodie, Maison Taylor-Wilton all kicked goals and did an outstanding job.

Darby Salter couldn’t play because of an injury, but he still came down to support his team and kept them hydrated. The final scores indicated that St Joseph’s had won by 9 points. It was a very close and great game.


Report written by Jorjiah Moody (Co Captain)