From the Principal's desk

Last week I had the pleasure of showing prospective Prep students and their families around the school. It was great to share with others some of the great learning that is taking place in our school. We saw the Reading Workshop in action and students across the school focusing on finding the main idea in passages of text from Prep to Year 6. Our intervention team were working one on one with students focusing on fluency and comprehension and in Science students were busy working out the quickest way to melt chocolate. In the afternoon visits we visited students working in library creating books on our new ipads, and buddy classes working closely together. 


This year we will be running a more comprehensive Kinder transition program. During Term 2 and 3 we will have regular visits from the Pre-School and Goodstart. In Term 4 when our enrolments are close to finalised, we will be running an Early Start program with our Prep teachers and prospective Preps, taking a session with the students once a week for one hour.


Over the next two days our Wellbeing Team is attending The Positive Schools Conference in Melbourne. We will be attending workshops focusing on building a positive school culture and building the emotional resilience of our children. We look forward to bringing new ideas and skills back with us.