From the Principal's desk

Term 3 Begins

Welcome back to all our parents and families for the beginning of the second semester. This term we are focusing on recognising students in our school, who display excellent reading strategies. These students will be acknowledged at our assembly every Friday this term. 'Super Reader' made a special guest appearance at our assembly last week and will return later in the term. He/She was very well received and his/her identity is yet to be revealed. Also just a reminder that parents and families are welcome to attend our Friday afternoon assemblies. We hold them in the P-2 open learning area starting at 2.50 pm.

Below are a few snaps from our assembly at the end of last term and last week. Thank you for taking these beaut shots, Jade Holmes.


Our parent teacher conferences begin next week and we encourage all our families to come in and discuss your child's individual learning plan and progress this year. Further details later in the newsletter.


On Sunday Tessa Warrin, Nate Warrin, Bella Wayman, Erin Norman and Jacinta Holmes will represent the school at the Lion's Youth Speaking competition, which is being held at McKillop Centre at 1.30 pm. I look forward to seeing them shine!


Debbie Oliver
