Year 4 Zoo Excursion

Year 4 Zoo Excursion


In Week 4, the Year 4 cohort had an excursion to Werribee Open Range Zoo. It was a big day of fun and exploring! We engaged in an African Village experience, where we sang while doing “chores” like sweeping, weaving, grinding seeds and collecting water. It gave our students an opportunity to imagine what life is like living in an African village.

Next, we travelled along the African Animals trail, and we saw lions, African wild dogs, hippos and gorillas. And later in the day, we adventured around the Australian Animal trail, seeing tammar wallabies, kangaroos, koalas and emus. 


Many students enjoyed the Safari Bus, and seeing giraffes roaming around with zebras, rhinos, ostriches and camels. Some animals came very close to the bus, allowing students to have some close encounters to these friendly animals.


The Year 4s used information from this day to create an information report about an animal that they had seen at the zoo. Our African Village experience also kickstarted our Inquiry unit, and we continue to make comparisons to environments in Australia, South Africa and South America.