Meet Yarny - DCC's Therapy & Reading Dog

There’s a special visitor coming to DCC every Wednesday!


Her name is Yarny and she is a school therapy dog.

She’s a black Labrador with golden fur on her legs. 

Her job is to listen to people read so students can enjoy reading and have fun while Yarny listens.


Reading With Yarny:


- Only one person can read to Yarny at a time

- Each student has a maximum of 10 minutes to read with Yarny.

- Reading with Yarny is optional.

- In each lesson 4 students will get a turn to read with Yarny so each week 8 students will get to read

to Yarny.

- At the end of your reading time, wash your hands before returning to your seat.

When you see this in front of 5B you will know Yarny is inside the classroom.

These are reviews from people who read with Yarny:


Ryan 5B says: “Reading with Yarny is very calm and once she gets to know you she will like you more.”


Siddhanth 5B says: “Yarny helps you to calm down and helps you de-stress.”


Ayaan 5B says: “I like Yarny because she is very hungry and pays attention to me.”


Giellaine 5B says: “Yarny is cool”


Varish 5B says: “Yarny focuses when I read with emotion or if I feed her a treat.”


Asiyah 5C says: “Yarny is nice and calming.”


Doggie language:

Yarny will be in 5B session 5 and 6 on Wednesdays.

Written by: Hriday, Zunairah, Ocean and Ryan from 5B