OSHClub News

OSHClub News
Welcome to the OSHClub newsletter! We have had a busy first half of term, with lots more still to come.
- Every Friday at After School Care, we will be holding our Art Masterclass where we will learn about famous artists and their medium.
- Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 7:15am – 8am, we will be running Brekkie Bunch! Each day has a theme, and the children will make their own special breakfast!
For more information, and to see our fabulous picture gallery, read the OSHClub Newsletter.
School Holiday Program
The School Holiday Program has been released – and it’s filled with lots of fun activities!
We will be heading out with two excursions – Bounce Heidelberg and OSHClub Viewbank for Coles Healthy Kicks. We will also be welcoming two incursions – Minibeast Wildlife and Kaboom Kid Sports.
Click to see the full Holiday Program, running from Monday 19 to Friday 30 September.