Year 3 Spotlight

Year 3 Spotlight

This week’s Year 3 newsletter is proudly written by the students themselves! Each class has been designated a different subject area and written a summary about what we have been focusing on, as well as our highlights so far this term.



This term the Year 3 students have been learning about the reading skill Cause and Effect. We learnt that the Cause is why it happened? and the Effect is what happened?
For example; The boy's laces were not tied up so he tripped over
~ Barnaby B, 3A


In Reading the students have also been learning about Compare and Contrast. We took two characters from a book and we would find the things that were the same and the things that were different about them. We used a Venn Diagram template to write our responses. 
~ Erica M, 3A




This term we have been doing information reports about different sports in the Commonwealth Games. We’ve researched, planned, and edited our writing. We were able to choose a sport we were interested in. Some of the ones chosen were; cricket, hockey, wrestling, triathlon, and many others. 
~ 3B



In Maths this term, the Year 3 students have been focusing on multiplication and division. We have been learning about multiplication strategies and looked at worded problems. We used fact families and our multiplication knowledge to solve division equations. We did a ‘Home Sweet Home’ activity for perimeter which was really fun! We got to make up our own rooms and figured out the perimeter using the formula P = L + L + W + W (length and width). 
We also measured our heights using centimetres and metres. The Year 3s have loved the maths activities so far this term! 
~ Cecilia A, Jimmy H, Nick B and Rose G, 3C



In Year 3 this term for inquiry we have been focusing on Geography. We have been learning about climate zones, which are temperate, tropical and polar.
We have been working on geography murals. We’ve been putting on maps, the population of each state and the flora, fauna and flag of each state and territory. We’ve also been to the IMAX to watch a 45-minute movie about the Great Barrier Reef.
We’ve been learning about different countries of the world in the Southern Hemisphere. 
~ By Stella H & Amelie N, 3D


Book Week Reflections

  • I liked dressing up and seeing other people's costumes. ~ Henry, 3A
  • I enjoyed making the springy bees from the book ‘One Bee’. ~ Jonah, 3A
  • Today was extremely fun, especially the book parade. ~ Emiko, 3A
  • Book week was really fun because we got to dress up and do a big parade! ~ Lucas, 3B
  • Book week was really fun because I enjoyed dressing up as Harry Potter and I loved the big parade. ~ Oscar, 3B
  • I liked seeing everyone’s costumes. ~ Hugo, 3D
  • I enjoyed learning about different books. ~ Maddie, 3D
  • I liked dressing up as a Storm Trooper. ~ Evan, 3D 
  • There were a lot of great costumes. ~ Alex, 3C
  • I felt for one second that I was dreaming with my eyes open. ~ Lucien, 3C
  • Tons of people put lots of effort into their costumes. ~ Amelia, 3C
  • It was really fun because everyone could dress up as whatever they wanted. ~ Eddy, 3C


~ Year 3 Teachers (Michele, Monique, Mariah and Steph) & Students

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