Year 1 Spotlight

Year 1 Spotlight
Term three has been a whirlwind of exciting activities and events in Year 1. With the swim program, concert rehearsal, prop building and shop creating, students have enjoyed the hands-on learning experiences. We were pleased with the students’ resilience after the disappointment of our excursion to Cooper’s Settlement being postponed due to the wild weather conditions. We already have a new date in the calendar for term four.
We have been learning about persuasive writing. The students have been busy forming opinions and trying to persuade others to believe their opinion. We have explored topics including:
- Are cats or dogs better pets?
- Should every child have an iPad?
- Which season is the best, summer or winter?
The students have not only developed their writing skills but also their understanding of others’ viewpoints and that different views are not better or worse, just different.
We have been learning all about money and the features of our Australian coins. Students learnt different ways to make up amounts, for example five 20 cent coins to make $1, two 20 cents and one ten cent to make 50 cents.
Students were all very excited to make items and sell them in their shops practising their skills of counting with money.
On Wednesdays and Fridays Year 1 have been going swimming at Ivanhoe Aquatic Centre. Blowing bubbles, mushroom floats, treading water and survival stroke are just some of the swimming skills students have been busy learning. After five weeks, the Year 1 teachers are amazed at how students are organising their belongings and building their independence by getting dressed before and after swimming.
We are looking forward to enjoying our concert at Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School this Thursday evening!
~ Year 1 Teachers (Prue, Emilia, Anne, Serena and Brendan) & Students