Principal's Report

Celebrating Book Week
Last Thursday our gym was a kaleidoscope of colour and a cacophony of noise as we came face to face with real-life book legends, who were celebrated at our Book Parade. It was a memorable occasion as the students and staff proudly paraded their costumes to peers and family. From The Cat in the Hat, to Thelma the Unicorn and Captain Underpants to Harry Potter, students enjoyed the opportunity to dress up in style and celebrate all that there is to love about the wonderful world of books.
The positive vibes from the parade continued after recess, with students completing book related activities, in mixed-age groups across the school. It was so lovely to see the students enjoying themselves in this setting.
Thank you to our wonderful Year 6 comperes – Archer, Alex and Harvey – for leading everyone through both parades. A special mention to our teachers who coordinated the day - Cathy, Prue and Serena.
School Review
After months of preparation, our School Review is now less than a week away. The agenda for the first two days of the Review has been planned:
Monday 5th September – Validation Day
On this day, the Review Panel will analyse our data and the school’s self-assessment against the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0). The Panel will observe lessons from each year group, including Specialists, and will then determine the Terms of Reference for the remainder of the Review.
Tuesday 6th September – Fieldwork Day
For most of this day the Review Panel are involved in interviews. This day starts with them meeting our class liaisons, before convening with all staff. By the end of the day, the Panel will have all the information they require to set goals and targets for our new School Strategic Plan.
It has been valuable spending so much time analysing and reviewing how the school is performing in relation to our Learning and Wellbeing Goals, and we look forward to further exploring our future work through the School Review process.
How do we Assess?
As part of our School Review preparations, we have been analysing our annual surveys, including the Parent Opinion Survey. One of the questions in which we received fewer positive responses was, ‘I understand how my child is assessed’.
It is not possible to explain everything in a short newsletter piece about the different assessments that teachers conduct. However, it is important to note that analysing and evaluating a range of data is the critical first step for teachers when planning what the students need to be learning.
The school has a range of formal assessments for Reading (including Running Records and phonic assessments), Writing (including regular moderation) and Numeracy (including various online assessment programs). This information provides the information that teachers need to ensure that students are completing ‘just right’ tasks in class – not too easy and not too difficult. It also assists in placing students at the level that you see on their semester reports.
Alongside the formal assessments described above, teachers are constantly assessing students informally. This is most common when they are working with small groups of similar ability students, explicitly teaching and supporting them, whilst also gaining a greater understanding of where their learning is at… and where to next.
Next time you walk in or past a classroom, you will most likely see the teacher working with individual or small groups of students – not only are they teaching the students, but they are also assessing what the students can say, write and do.
Our Honor Board
There are many striking features about our school which catch people’s attention on a tour, none more notable than our Honor Board, which is 100 years old this year. This fact was brought to our attention by the Heidelberg Historical Association, who published an article about it in a recent newsletter. The article includes the fascinating story of why the school was chosen as the location for Fairfield’s Honor Board, and it also describes the day that it was unveiled. For any history buffs amongst you, this is definitely worth a read.
Heidelberg News on 15 July 1922
The ceremony of unveiling the Honor Board erected in the Fairfield State School was performed by His Excellency Lord Stradbroke on Friday 7th ins., in the presence of a large assemblage of parents, friends and scholars. Unfortunately the day was wet and miserable, and this considerably militated against the carrying out of the function. The Board, which is of polished blackwood, is of handsome design and finish, and contains the names of 335 men who enlisted from the Fairfield district, of whom 56 paid the supreme sacrifice.
It was originally intended to conduct the initial proceedings outside the school, but owing to the incessant rain, the idea had to be abandoned and they were carried out in the main hall.
Upon the arrival of His Excellency the National Anthem was sung, after which the saluting of the Flag and the repeating of the Declaration were concluded. The Rev. J. Booth M.C. then offered up prayer, and the hymn “O God, Our Help in Ages Past” was sung.
Cr J. Coate (President of the School Committee), in a few well-chosen and appropriate remarks, welcomed His Excellency and Cr Hannah (President of the Shire) also spoke. The Recessional Hymn was sung by all present, and Mr J. G. Membrey, in the absence of the Minister of Education, addressed those assembled on the heroic services of our soldiers, and the debt of gratitude Australian owed them. Hymns were then rendered by Mr Aumont’s Juvenile Orchestra.
His Excellency, Lord Stradbroke, then spoke of the reason for the gathering that day. They met to do honor to those wonderful men who, leaving all they held dear, left their hearths and homes to fight that Australia may be free. The beautiful Honor Board erected in the school to perpetuate the memories of those men would serve to remind them of the splendid manhood of Australia. His Excellency then performed the unveiling ceremony, the hushed silence testifying to the deep feeling of reverence manifested by young and old.
After the conclusion of the ceremony of the “Last Post” was sounded and the hymn “Abide With Me” was sung, the proceedings concluding with the march past of the scholars.
Hats are Back!
Spring must be a around the corner, because it’s that time of year when we ask students to wear their SunSmart hats from September to the end of April, as per our SunSmart Policy. During these months protective hats are required as the UV rating increases.
Year 1 & Year 2 Concert – What Will It Be?
After the excitement of Book Day, the action-packed term continues in style for our Year 1 and 2 students. On Thursday evening, the students will be performing ‘What Will It Be?’ at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School. It is sure to be a memorable occasion, and I look forward to writing about it in the next newsletter.
If you are yet to do so, you can get your tickets here:
Wishing everyone a great rest of the week. I’ll see you for breakfast on Friday, coffee in one hand and a roll in the other as we remember the dads and important people in our lives.
~ Paul Wallace, Principal