Junior School 

Years 7 to 9

Year 7 Report

Year 7 students have been busily working on their Learning Jigsaw in Connect.  This is an ongoing project for students in which they are documenting and reflecting on their learning throughout the year.  Students will be bringing their Learning Jigsaw home towards the end of Term 4 to present to you and ask for feedback to share with their teachers.  


Year 7s have also spent the last few weeks on their eSmart Digital Licence, learning about how to be safe online.  Please encourage any students who still need to complete the first two modules to do so before the start of next term.  We hope all families have a safe and relaxing holiday break.


Year 8 Report

In Year 8 Connect this term we have been looking at team work, including what makes a team successful. Last week during our final Connect lesson for the term we put this theory into practice as we rotated through 7 team work challenges that tested many of these skills including clear communication, listening, strategy, attitude and working together. All students worked exceptionally well together to successfully complete each challenge.  


NAPLAN Student Reports

Thank you to all the Yr 7 & Yr 9 parents who have communicated how they would like to access their child’s NAPLAN report.  If you have not already done so, please complete the following survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VZ8N6H9 so that we can get the report to you before the end of term.  Closing date for the survey: Friday 16th September, 11am.