Principals Report
- Sarah Rose, Principal
Principals Report
- Sarah Rose, Principal
In some respects, it is hard to believe we are at the end of Term 3 already, it seems to have gone very quickly. Perhaps that feeling is the result of a term that has been brimming with learning and student activity across all sections of the College.
I am pleased to advise that the onsite formalities of the School Review process are now complete with the panel meeting for the final time earlier this week. I would like to thank all involved in this process, especially those parents/carers and students that contributed so richly to the panel fieldwork sessions. I now look forward to receiving the final report from the review panel which will capture those areas that are working well at the College, and those that require attention which will inform our future planning.
Today we are holding our parent/teacher interviews, and it is again wonderful to be able to do this in a face-to-face setting where the connections we value so much - that can only be had in person - are possible.
I’d like to draw the school community’s attention to our Annual Report which provides principals and school councils with an opportunity to share the year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the positive impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes. The Annual Report can be found here and on our school website.
The end of Term 3 marks the farewell to some of our senior students. Our VCAL students have completed their studies and will finish up with us at the term break. For our Yr 12 VCE students they are now about to embark on an intense period of finalising work and preparing for exams that commence in late October. What an exciting time in the lives of these young people.
While I’ve no doubt all in our school community are ready for a well-deserved rest and break from routine, myself included, I’m excited by what the final term of the 2022 school year has in store for us. The calendar is packed with excursions, special student activities such as the Year 10 Market Day, the Year 7 Camp, Year 12 Valedictory Dinner, and the College Presentation Night.
I wish everyone a wonderful term break and hope you all return energised ready to engage in everything the College has to offer.