Holy Saviour School Update 

Dear Families,

Book Week - Dreaming With Eyes Open

What an amazing week we’ve had Dreaming with eyes open and celebrating Book Week for 2022. It was great to be able to celebrate together, our first time since 2019, with our parade and activities on Tuesday. Congratulations everyone on your amazing efforts with costumes this year!  Thank you also to all the parents who came along to watch the parade in the Multipurose Hall. Here are some highlights of the day...

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools - School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS)

The MACSSIS survey period begins on Monday 29th August. This year we are asking ALL families to complete the survey. Letters with unique family pins and full instructions will be sent home on Monday. One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in our school. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers – all responses are completely anonymous and at no point are any of the responses from students, families or staff identifiable by the school. All students in Years 4-6, and all school staff, will also be invited to participate in the survey again this year. The surveys should not take more than 20 minutes to complete and significantly assist towards the ongoing improvement of Holy Saviour. 

Additional Term 3 Closure Day - Friday 16th Sept

Due to increased workloads this year with staff shortages across all schools, MACS have offered all schools an extra Professional Practice Day for Term 3. To cause as little disruption to families as possible, we have scheduled this additional closure day for Friday 16th September which has been advertised as the last day of term. Students will now finish Term 3 at 3:30pm on Thursday 15th September. This day will allow staff to finalise all documentation required for our upcoming school review, as well as to begin planning and preparation for Term 4.

Father's Day Stall

The SAC will once again be holding a Father's Day Stall on Thursday 1st  September.   All gifts are $6. Children are welcome to purchase multiple gifts for Grandfathers, Uncles, etc. Payments may be made via CDFpay. Please contact Denise Konstantinou if you are able to assist with the stall on that day from 10am.

Father’s Day Breakfast

Next Friday 2nd September, we are inviting all children to celebrate Father’s/Special Friends Day by having breakfast and being involved in some fun outdoor activities at school with their dad/special friend. If for some reason the children’s father cannot attend the breakfast, then we encourage them to invite a significant other male such as their grandfather, uncle or a family friend etc. 


Breakfast will begin at 7:30am and run through until approximately 8:40am. We will also have a coffee van on site making free barista made coffee / hot choc / chai teas using fresh full cream/skinny/soy/almond or lactose free milks too, so Mums are welcome to come along after school drop off and grab one too! 


In order to assist with catering, we ask you to complete this formby Monday 29th August

Holy Saviour Mini Fest & Casual Dress Days

A huge thank you to all the families who so generously donated balloons and small prizes for the Mini-Fest during our Casual Dress Day today. These will be put to good use in the Holy Saviour Mini Fest's Balloon Dart Game and Arcade Game Stalls on Saturday 12th November


The next Casual Dress Day is on Friday 9th September. On this day we will be requesting donations for our Silent Auction.    These can be new toys, kitchen items, home-craft items, vouchers, or any new item. If you don’t have anything to donate, maybe you could ask a few local traders for donations (official letters of request available from the office). 


Please refer to the full schedule below.  As always, thank you for your support!



Friday 9th September

Prize for the silent auction. One per family, can be new toys, kitchen items, home-craft items, vouchers, or any new item. If you don’t have anything to donate, maybe you could ask a few local traders for donations (official letters of request available from the office)


Thursday 15th September

(Footy Theme - Last day of term) 

Lucky Jar Dip Stall -  This can be ANY size as it is a lucky prize and doesn't matter what size jars are won. They can be glass, but preferably plastic. These jars can be filled with items such as:

Lego, Marbles, Costume jewellery, Barbie doll clothes, Temporary tattoos, Shopkins,  Matchbox cars, Hair clips, Crayons, Stickers, 

Toy soldiers/dinosaurs/farm animals, Skipping rope, Ping pong balls or tiny bouncy balls or assorted goodies you get into jars etc. Please note, any lollies need to be individually wrapped. Feel free to be creative and make items if you wish.

Friday 11th November

Homemade cakes and cupcakes, cake pops, chocolate crackles, honey joys, cookies, toffees or other delights for the cake stall. Please list ingredients and have fun!

SATURDAY 12th November


Book Club

Just a reminder that orders for the Issue 6 Scholastic Book Club catalogue are now due on Sunday 28th August, 4pm.  To view the catalogue online and place your order please click here. 


Holy Saviour Library

Did you know that the Holy Saviour Library is open to all families? In addition to a great selection of fiction and non-fiction, we even have a selection of wonderful parent resources including many titles by renowned parenting authors such as Steve Biddulph and Michael Grose. On Wednesday mornings parents are welcome to come in and have a browse.  Books can be borrowed using your child's library card. To view the catalogue online click here.

Swimming Program and Working With Children Checks

During the first week of term 1 (Monday 3rd - Friday 7th October and Wed 12th and 19th October) all students will be participating in the annual swimming program at Swimworld Glen Waverley.  


The swimming program is one that cannot run effectively without the invaluable assistance of parent helpers.  An Operoo form will be sent out in the coming weeks providing additional details of the program and requesting volunteers to assist on the day. Please indicate on this form if you are able to assist.


 Please note that only parents with a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) can be permitted to attend.  If you do not have a WWCC or if your existing one has expired, it is a very simple process to apply for a card and even simpler to renew an existing one. Among other things, a valid WWCC enables parents / carers to help out in classrooms, library and accompany excursions.  If you already have a valid card, please let the office know. If you would like to renew or apply for a new card please click HERE.     

Write A Book In A Day (WABIAD)

Today the following grade 6 children participated in the Write a Book in a Day (WABIAD) Competition:

Devassy Pynadath
Devassy Pynadath
Leona Di Campli San Vito
Leona Di Campli San Vito
Addison Hosking
Addison Hosking
Reno Merrigan
Reno Merrigan
Isabella Saville
Isabella Saville








Anthea Nguyen
Anthea Nguyen
Chloe Pham
Chloe Pham
Mia Huirama
Mia Huirama
Lucia Salmas Sun
Lucia Salmas Sun
Adam Greene
Adam Greene








Holy Saviour has been participating in this wonderful event for a number of years. WABIAD is a fun, creative and collaborative competition for students in years 5 to 12 as well as adult writing groups throughout Australia. Teams of up to ten have just twelve hours to write and illustrate a book from start to finish. To make it even more fun, unique parameters must be included in the story. 


Funds raised through sponsorship go to The Kids’Cancer Project, a national charity supporting childhood cancer research. Digital editions of the completed stories are then shared with children’s hospitals across Australia. 


Families are welcome to donate to this wonderful cause. Every donation is one step closer to ending childhood cancer.  You can donate by CLICKING HERE.

Billboards, Posters, Flyers!

We have some new posters & flyers being printed at the moment, and we’d love some more people to help distribute these and/or have them displayed in a prominent position! If you can help, please email office@hsvs.catholic.edu.au and we can get some to you.

 Parents wanted to help promote our beautiful school.

The School Advisory Council is organising a short promotional video and we would greatly appreciate your assistance. All you need to do is help sell our school by answering a few questions or even just talk about your experiences. Past and present students and parents are needed. Hopefully we will have some celebrities helping us out too. Short messages will be edited and posted on Instagram and Facebook. Please email Belinda Saville if you are able to help us out,  binndy20@gmail.com.

Holy Saviour Playgroup is Back!

Holy Saviour Playgroup is now back on Tuesday mornings 9am - 11am. All babies and preschoolers are welcome. So come along and meet some parents for a cuppa while the children have a play.   Please pass on this flyer to any families who might be interested.

School Tours and 2023 Enrolments 

Enrolments for Prep 2023 are now open and we encourage all families to submit their applications as soon as possible.  Please book your school tour online on the school website or call Sherridan or Kerry in our front office to book a school tour. 

Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications 2024 & 2025

Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2023 starting Year 7 in 2025

The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2023 who will be starting Year 7 in 2025 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).

The timeline of events and dates are as follows:

27th January 2023 – Applications will open for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2025.

18th August 2023 – Applications will close.

20th October 2023 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.

10th November 2023 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.

Parents of Year 5 students in 2023, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.


Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2022 starting Year 7 in 2024:

I take this opportunity to remind parents of children in grade 5, that Catholic Secondary College applications have now closed for Year 7, 2024. Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants on 21st October 2022  andthe final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school is 11th November 2022


Kind regards,


Steve Evans
